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  1. Hey guys, I just picked up a new AFM because mine was almost dead. It was the same exact AFM that I had before. I put it on (without cleaning it) and started the car up and everything was cherry until it got warmed up. My car started missing lots and just struggles to idle. The drivability of the car is perfectly fine, just seems to be at idle. Could something as simple as cleaning my AFM fix this? Any other suggestions?
  2. Okay, i'm sure this question has been answered before but I can't find it anywhere. So, how do I tell if I have a series 1 or 2 RB25DET?
  3. well yeah I got that part, but how do I enable it? there is like 5 different options in airflow and I don't get how to pick one.
  4. yeah I searched that before and I still can't find the answer.
  5. Can someone give me a step by step on how to change my Power FC MAF thing to the z32 MAF? Thanks!
  6. fixed.
  7. but when I crank it and hold a coil to the block it doesn't arc out. That means i'm not getting spark, correct?
  8. They're black, really black. Could they really cause the car to not start that quick? I ran those plugs with my car running rich for almost 2 days. You think they could just stop working like that?
  9. To start off, it's an RB25DET with a bigger t3/t4 turbo, z32 MAF, power FC, and lots more. Okay i'll start from before things screwed up. I had fixed all the major problems. I siliconed the coil packs and they stopped arcing. My car was running great. I was still on the stock ECU until about 2 days ago when my Power FC finally came in. I put that in 2 days ago and the car was running even better, just really rich. I had been driving it around, being really careful to not get on it because the Power FC was not tuned yet and still has not been tuned. Anyway, I drive my car to my girlfriends house last night, the car is running great. I slept there, wake up in the morning and go home, the car was still running great. I thought i might have had a small vacuum leak so I got some starter fluid and sprayed it around the intake manifold. Around the injectors sort of, all around there. I hardly sprayed any. I turned my car off and turned it back on a little bit after and while it was idling I was looking through my commander for my Power FC, through the injector part of it. A little later I noticed that my car was idling funny, like it was missing a lot. So I gave it some gas and almost nothing changed. It started popping and running really really bad and it could hardly hold it's idle. I could not get the car past 1500 RPM even if I gave it full throttle. It was running SUPER rich. So I got out of the car and pulled each coil pack wire off one by one to see which cylinders were missing and what not. I pulled the first 5 out and nothing changed when I pulled any of them out. I then decided to reset the Power FC ECU to see if I messed something up with Power FC for it to be doing this. I reset it, let it learn and all that. I let it idle for 30 minutes. I came back out, reved it up, and the exact same thing happened. Nothing changed at all. I then decided to put my old RB25 ECU back in and that made things a little better. I could rev it to redline in idle and it was holding it's idle fine but it was still missing. So I tried disconnecting coil packs again and I found that the number 1 coil pack did nothing when I unplugged it, but the others did change something, the idle dropped everytime I pulled those out so I knew they were fine. So I went to swap the coil packs from cylinder 1 to 2 and 2 to 1 to see if it was the coil pack that was bad. I got in my car to start it up and.....it just turned over and turned over and turned over. I can't even get it to start now. I tried plugging power FC back in and it wouldn't start with that either. So I figured that I was flooded and gave it a bit before I tried cranking again but it still didn't start up. So I had a friend hold the coil pack next to the block but it didn't arc out so I don't think i'm getting spark now. I'm letting the car sit over night to see if it was flooded or what. What could be wrong!? Any ideas or help will be greatly appriciated! Thanks in advance
  10. To start off it's an rb25det with a bigger t3/t4 turbo, z32 maf, power fc, apexi n1 BOV and lots and lots more. My car idles fine, holds a steady idle and all but if I rev it up, it will just drop down and die. I can save it by giving it more throttle, but I don't understand why it is dying. The car wil not die in gear. I have tried blocking off the BOV so no air can get out but it still dies. I have cleaned the idle control valve and reset the ECU. And I have cleaned my AFM (MAF) Any ideas on what I should do next? Any help is greatly appriciated
  11. siliconing the coil packs can't fix them then?
  12. So i've been seeing people saying that SAFC will fix the coil pack arcing problem. Is this correct? If so, Power FC will do the same but more right?
  13. so younger OEM coils can fix this problem aswell? spitfires aren't REQUIRED?
  14. After my car is all warmed up, if i rev it up to about 5-7k it will just drop straight down and die. I have tried cleaning the AAC (idle control valve), I cleaned my MAF, changed spark plugs, siliconed coil packs, blocked off the BOV and it still dies. The car will not die in gear though. If i put it in any gear while i'm driving and rev it up, i can take it up and it will come back down and hold it's idle. Any ideas?
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