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kuma j

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Everything posted by kuma j

  1. he need to be a member of a cams affiliated car club. says so on the cams form.
  2. i know exactly what you mean. i use to live in good old cooma town in the snowy mountains and whenever i go home i always get pulled over even if im going 10kph under the limit. its like they just pull me over cause im the only car on the road and they have nothing else to do but the last 3 years ive been in sydney i think ive been pulled over maybe once or twice and that just because they had a bay set up on the side of the road and were pulling everyone in.
  3. nah man im not going near that cat. it has some serious issues. it has a tase for human blood and wont stop till it gets some.
  4. im bored, can go to texi now????
  5. yeah wanted to avoid the whole getting on the ground to do it. and i gifured that if i couls get someone to help me do it then it wouldnt be fair to make them lay on the ground. sure i could take it somewhere and pay to get it done but as i said in my first post i want to learn how to do it myself. and to be able to do this i need to find someone who can show me what to do. on the up side ive found a workshop i can use. (hoist and all) just need to find someone who wants to help out. it wont be for free i will give payment of some sort
  6. hey guys, i need to put a new clutch in my car and was wondering if anyone on here has a workshop and a spare weekend that would like to help me out to put it in. see i would judt take it to a place and get it done but there are a couple of reasons for not doing that. 1. i want to get out of it as cheap as possible. in saying that there would be ample payment to whoever would help me. 2. i want to get in and get my hands dirty and learn how to put a clutch in. as i have never done one before. ( and i dont think a regular workshop will let me get in and help) so if there is anyone who would like to put their hand up for this that would be awesome. either this coming weekend or the next would be ideal as i need it before texi. by the way im in sydney and will travell anywhere within sydney. so if anyone is keen send me a pm. cheers, john.
  7. why is it in the weeks leading up to something like this my clutch goes and gives out on me??? why couldnt it wait just a few more weeks. on well on the up side i'll have a new one for texi
  8. just wanted to make sure Ian, need to prepare myself for wetness. doesnt happen too often these days
  9. so that means not dry right???
  10. so just to confirm with someone who is organising, it IS going to be a wet skidpan???? just need to organise what im doing for tyres
  11. entered and paid. now the waiting begins
  12. stock rims are 16 inch yeah?
  13. please put me down for definatly in. im keen to give this a go. also i may need a club exec to sign my cams form im sending in so i can get the 30 day temp licence. can anyone help me with this please?
  14. not a problem shane.
  15. was a good day, good to meet a few new people but can i say what a total prick it was trying to get out of the car park. took about an hour. as good as this day was i feel there was some very poor organising involved.
  16. i agree, bought me 33 from him and he was great i will deffenatly go back to him for my next car too.
  17. spotted the mines r34 on the way to work this morning in mascot. great way to start my friday
  18. yeah would have come said hi but you always seemed to have so many people around your car the whole time. very nice.... oh the car too next time enter with us. we rock.
  19. its the most insane cat in the world. it just never stops. as im sure doof and ian found out.
  20. but having a big turbo as a doorstop is nice. if only my car went like my cat. i would dominate all. meow
  21. might see about getting that garret T04 put on and see what we it can pull out of its arse.
  22. what is night shift?
  23. just because you win in the footy doesnt mean your not rednecks still.
  24. There is no car park A, B or C. its simply P5. just follow the signs. so anyway if a few of you want to meet at krispy kremes first then thats cool. im just saying before we all go into the official meet we meet in P6 that way we can all cruise together for the day. im just not driving all the way to liverpool to krispy kremes just to come back to olympic park. so if we all meet at P6 between 9 and 10 then at 10- 10:30 we make our way into the main meet in P5. anyway thats what im doing. as for the "car show thing" if there is something else out there then i dont think we need to worry. we know where we need to be.
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