well i wont be goign now, as i said before i have a track day on that day, but im not sure if any of the other guys that wanted to go are goign or not.
but yeah would be a great weekend weather wise
If you actually had of read the terms and conditions that would have been sent to you when setting up the account with tnt you would know that there is an account service fee charged every time you get in invoice.
im not saying its right but its what you would have signed up to so if you dont read everything properly before you sign up its your own fault really and you shouldnt have anything to complain about.
So i get my licence back after a long 6 months without it and as i missed the annual putty road cruise i thought i would head up that way for a drive and enjoy being back on the road again.
So if anyone else is keen in coming along your more than welcome.
Please be aware this is NOT the annual SAU putty road cruise
Would Most likely leave from windsor around 10am. so if anyone is keen post up your interest here.
im going to strip my seats, boots jack and all sorts of stuff out of my car too. ive been trying to get 250kw in mine too but just cant get there maybe if i do this like you have i will finally get to 250kw.
Hey Terry,
Thats exactly what i was thinking. but because the shell is just that and doesn't open they would just have to sign the bonnet or roof or something like that.
but yeah it defiantly crossed my mind
my highlight of the day was when i found out terry ashwood seen my 1:10 scale RC shell of the winfield GTR and loved it so much that he bought it off me.
Makes me feel kinda proud that i done such a good job on it.
it shouldnt matter what the duties are, people should just be willing to help no matter what it is.
tom im assuming you got my email from duncan?
my girlfriend will be coming along too on that day so we can get her to help out too.