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kuma j

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Everything posted by kuma j

  1. i wouldnt worry about the fuse. ive had my HICAS out for almost a year. never took the fuse out and its fine. its not like its plugged into anything so shouldnt matter.
  2. cass it needs a password to get in
  3. PM sent
  4. didnt take many but here they are
  5. yeah i do chris, didnt have time to check anything today so i'll have a look at it tomorrow to see if i can see where its coming from. im hoping its just something small.
  6. did somebody say oil leak..... came out to the car this morning to find a nice big puddle of oil under it. not sure what has happened as it was fine at the track all day and coming home. looks like it will be taking a trip to the mechanic to investigate. but had an awesome day anyway. cant wait for the next one. Andy did you get my almost big lose on video? ive got a few laps of yours. i still need to edit some footage an post up but should be up shortly. oh and a few pics to put up.
  7. yeah valid point. never really though of the resale thing hey.
  8. dont just glue over the old stuff. a guy i know done this and it looks crap. spend the time and work out how to take the old stuff off and do it. if your unsure go to a retrim place and ask them to show you on one then you can do the other one yourself.
  9. ive been thinking of just getting them painted on. yes it will cost a lot more than the stickers but i think it would look way better too
  10. i added an extra gauge today so that should give me the extra 11tykw i need
  11. nah there not so bad..............
  12. hey guys, well i really appreciate all feedback and advice you have all passed on. i guess there is a whole lot more to be considered than i first though. (for example, using an rb20 or sr20) hence another reason for this post. and as this is something new for me im happy to take on any advice. so for now i think i am going to go with a gts shell and make that a starting point and then make some other decisions a little later down the track. but for now just want to say a big thank you for giving me some ideas and what sort of things i need to think about.
  13. well for now the plan is to use it for supersprint/superlap style events. as for budget. that isnt really much of an issue at the moment. i have no idea what i will end up spending on it in the long run. i'll just spend what needs to be spent. i was more just looking at some info on if a gtr would be a better choice in the long run. cause as i said at the moment for the initial cost of buying the car to start with, i can get a whole gts for the price of a gtr shell. mind you ive only just started looking around this week. so i will keep searching for a bit to see what i can come across. but for now i think i will probably end up going with a gts shell with the rb26
  14. i had a wheel come a few years ago. doing 110kph down the freeway. wasnt a fun experience in any way at all. but anyway hope this kid is ok.
  15. yeah i see what you mean. Its not like i want to gtr so i can say oh look at my gtr. Cause like you say a rear wheel drive can lap just as quick. And the fact that i can pick up a full gts for roughly the same price as a gtr shell. Makes me think going for the gts option will be cheaper to start with and i can sell off any unneeded parts for a bit of extra cash. So as much as i wouldnt mind having a gtr shell i think i would be happy to settle with the gts. But still if anyone else has any opinions please post em up.
  16. hey guys Well after many years of saying im going to build a car the time has finally come for me to do so. Ive decided i will build an s32 track car but the thing im wanting advice on is if i should get the gtr or gts shell. The reason for my confusion is this. The gtr is AWD but to get a gtr shell the price is alot more over a gts shell. I will be putting an RB26 in it anyway but i just want to know if the AWD of the gtr is worth it. I know there is i few of you who have driven gtrs as well as rear wheel drives around the track. So im looking to you guys for advise on how much benefit if any the AWD has? Any help and advice you guys can give me will be greatly appreciated. John.
  17. unless he misunderstood the police. when i was defected they told me i had 4 days to get the tyres done then 14 days for everything else. this may be the case here to????
  18. have you seen how much a power fc is? i dont you will find anyone that will swap a near new power fc for a $1200 roll cage. but anyway good luck with it.
  19. also for got to mention it doesnt need to have complience as it wont be a registered car.
  20. are these the 2 piece ones? If so i would be interested in these
  21. Looking for an r32 shell. doesnt need an engine or full interior. but if so then thats fine. would prefer a rolling shell. would prefer an undamaged one but depending on how bad the damage i may still be interested.
  22. i get really annoyed at people that whinge and complain when they get defected and always blame it on the cops. i got defected once. sure i wasnt happy about it but i took it got it fixed and engineered and since then had no trouble at all with the police or anything. its amazing what sticking to the rules can do for you. and trust me its not always the cars that get picked on. they way people drive have a big impacy on being "targeted" by the cops. i use to drive a corolla and i had more trouble with the cops than you could imagine. so when i finally realised how much of a danger i was to others on the road by driving like a tool i changed my attitude and since then ive have fewer problems than ever before. since owning my skyline ive only been booked once for speeding and got my defect. now that the car complies i know i wont have that problem again. as for the speeding sometimes it just happens and you can put it down to wrong place at the wrong time. people just need to realise that if your car doesnt comply to the laws then you cant go blaming the cops. they are just doing their jobs..
  23. a guy i work with has one that never came with the wiper either.
  24. looking at around $1000 its brand new and never been used. thinking of advertising soon on here probably for a bit more. also im willing to swap for things i want.
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