bang on - compliance is viewed by most 'customers' (and that includes both the ultimate end user and many importers alike) as merely a process. a process which implies cost and - to a lesser degree - time. Quality is by far and away the lesser consideration. To some extent the time factor is neutralised across most importers (not all, but incidental to this discussion), however there is a clear trade-off between quality and cost. I have witnessed many purchasers (end users? not the importer) complain about what or what was not done after the fact (after they took possession of a car). However, prior to taking possession, their overarching driver is almost always cost, not quality. Customers may be prepared to pay more for aesthetic matters like kits and alloys, but to those 'out of sight, out of mind' matters like restraints, intrusion bars, etc - they have little concern.
I recall many people saying in 2002-3 when they shut down the old system in favour of the introduction of the RAWS system that this was designed to 'flush out the cowboys'. I knew back then then it was only a matter of time before these guys came back, and they've been back with us for years. (where there's a will, and a loophole, there's a way). any system is only as good as you can or will govern it, and the more RAWS who come on board, the less ability DoTaRS has to do so. hence things will likely only get worse. but - for what it's worth - let's hope not.