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Everything posted by franks

  1. organise it and they will come!!! when is the next long weekend???
  2. good quality stuff though from japan not like the dodgy copies from other asian countries... i got a top secret copy front bar from www.carmate.com.au
  3. go jap kit. everything just fits like a glove and you have resale value.
  4. i personally wouldn't get either but i voted the STI coz they kick ass and they are more practical for a daily driver. id get an evo6.5 or a rx8.
  5. yup. i couldn't get onto boost with base settings. if i did, the the check engine light would come on (non audible detonation i suspect) and when i stopped and started the car again it would sound like the engine was blown and idle all over the joint. install it and take it to your friendly powerfc tuner.
  6. i missed the old pac turn off and i was really keen for a thrash aswell! must've been too worried about tailing cops...! the excitement didnt stop at the end of the freeway either on the pacific hwy on the way into town, the s14a and i were stopped at a set of traffic lights (i was infront he was behind) and an astra was lining me up on the other side the lights go green, i give it some stick, till i reached the legal limit, then came off the gas...the astra still thought it was still on! in an effort to impress the mrs he rocketed past me for another 100m or so now well and truly in front.... ...a car from behind then comes hurtling past me! not to my surprise it was a marked falcon cop on go his red and blue disco lights and i cruise past the pulled over astra. :bahaha:
  7. thanks for the cruise guys....! what a night! unbelievable the cops up there! at one stage we had 2 or 3 cops in the cruise with us!!! LOL. i got tailed once aswell, then they intimidated me at a red light! i think they were checking for a blow off valve to pull me up... anyways, the s14a and i kicked onto harry's and met up with some other people hehe always see someone you know at that place....! some pics are here...
  8. thats not very nice. quite racist?
  9. do you guys always salivate when you see a chick in a skyline??? you are going to die lonely people
  10. brody your physco. i was riding my bike home on friday night, going down hill i caught up to a pulsar travelling in the same direction. i have a red flashing light on the rear of my bike which they obviously saw as they went past me, and a flashing bright white light on the front of the bike to which they would've saw through the rear window of their car. anyways, this driver decided to turn left after an extremely late blinker, i proceeded to go straight into his passenger side guard, over his bonnet, crashing onto the road and slid for around 5-10metres on my ass coming to a halt on the other side of the intersection. i have some bad abrasions on my left leg and bum cheek, a corked right thigh, right sprained ankle and suspected broken little right toe. farken cars...
  11. full sik bro. will be out and about, i'll call you later that night tosh if im not gettin bizzy wid it.
  12. more importantly a GTSt in 25th!!!
  13. white vans and taxi's go everywhere in sydney. sounds like your stereotyping to me
  14. lol...no it wasnt dude!
  15. hrm, lots of stereotyping going on here...
  16. aw! what a poor showing from the skyline boys to let soo many honda's and stuff get quicker times!!! whats goin on lads!!!!!!
  17. maybe you've got to read the manual jimbo
  18. i am brushing off comments and opinions where there are no facts involved. dont take it personally, your point was taken but its not something i dont know already. i want to hear peoples stories of r32 gtr's that were absolute lemons or absolute gems! silver-arrowz? judd?
  19. definately a nice example pete, how many kays are on the beast now!? do you know of any other bnr32 owners that have had dilemna after dilemna!?!??
  20. adam 32: i believe your point about it being a "maintenance nightmare" are somewhat valid. infact it was one of the the reasons why i opted for the er34 instead of a bnr32. what i would like to open for discussion, and this is by no means a personal attack, are your personal experiences with r32 gtrs and their reliability? perhaps you've owned one? your friends have had one? fatz, being an owner, could you give us more insight as to how much has gone wrong with your bnr32 since ownership and costs associated?! if you feel uncomfortable disclosing this publicly thats understood an a PM will be fine its just that im going through this very situation of selling the er34 and going a bnr32...
  21. bnr34 or er34? either way, good onya and goodluck!
  22. so the mods come into australia...? whos to say your friendly compliancer wont just put them back on!?
  23. im genuinely interested at the right price. please PM me Ethan!
  24. at what point in the import process will they demand to strip the mods off the car?
  25. in my personal opinion NO, but i cant speak for yourself nor should you decide based off other people's opinions...
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