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Everything posted by danny_tq

  1. thanks guy any good/bad experiences would be nice
  2. So....I took my car to a self car wash, and there is so many scratches. That brush full scratched my car, very visible scratches, more than just swirls. Anyway, does anybody recommend someone in Sydney that might be able to help me remove all these car wash scratches/swirls. Ohh and how much will it cost? Cheers, Danny
  3. Hi All, GB for the tube/popcharger closes mid week (Wednesday) If no enough people are interested, Ill buy it myself. Cheers, Danny
  4. btw Touge K whats mods do u have? 5.7 for 0-60 is very fast for our car!
  5. IN addition 0-60mph = 0-96km/h so the extra 0.2 second (based on v35 times) I mentioned is extra time needed to go from 96km/h to 100lm/h
  6. my bad they are 0-60mph times, mainly from US reviews. for 0-100kmh add about 0.2 to those times 6.2 6MT 6.5 5AT edmunds.com (our drive.com.au equivalent) did a test on the g35 got 6.2 0-60mph, cant find the link right now.
  7. So, We most people are getting the following mods: - Z tube/CF Tube - Plenum Spacer - CAI/Pop Charger - Ground kit. I've been reading gains of 15wKW or 20whp, for all these mods combined What I want to know effect these mods will have on our 0-100km/h and 1/4mile times. I'm looking at taking my car to the track in a few months for some 1/4 mile runs, so I guess I'm curious whether it'll improve my times. for 03-05 Coupes 0-100 6MT about 6.0 5AT about 6.3 1/4mile mid 14's I'm guessing that if the Grounding kit improves the 5AT's shifting, wouldn't that bring its acceleration closer to that of the 6MT?
  8. I'm still in guys, looking at buying soon who is in for the OEM tube + pop charger. Its pretty cheap, and have heard mainly good things. SO good enough for me! Sydney ppl (interstate, the $30 saving not worth it) plz email me if interested cheers, Danny
  9. im pretty sure that doesnt work...
  10. Interetsing, can you Get a Price mark? That would certainly help us decide. Cheers, Danny
  11. hey, yeah IMO the 30 saving aint worth it, cause then ill need to send it to WA
  12. Hi All, To avoid taxes we should limit group buys to 4 I have managed to negotiated 4 packs for about USD910 (less than USD790 minus shipping so can avoid taxes), whish equates to USD227.5 (AUD292) each. Single purchase is USD250, so an overall USD22.5 (AUD28) saving Gb is only worth it for people living in the same city. who form Sydney would like to proceed with the first GB? Only 4 places someone should volunteer for thr 2nd one! Cheers, Danny
  13. hey lets remember the auto transmission has already been hailed as a gem with the grooung kit, the shifts could even be faster than a manual!
  14. I am 24.y.o 1600 full comprehensice insurance (the highest possibe under my policy) 1100 excess (500 standard + 600 age) the reason my premiums are relatively cheap for my age, is because I work for a bank, hence I get 'fleet/group insurance' most big companies e.g. banks, insurance companies, accounting firms etc provide fleet/group insurance. I could theoretically insure a brand new nissan GTR for 1600 p.a. wish i could afford one though
  15. that is interesting that the grounding kit comes as a Nissan option... Im curious how it would compare to a customised one.
  16. guys cost inlcudes shipping. I will try negotiate with the guy, to try put the value under AUD1000 how many ppl are in? 4 so far?
  17. Hey guys, Im going to have to pull out. Seems like I already have a grounding kit. Good luck finding the rest! Cheers, Danny
  18. Hi Guys, I contact the Ebay seller. They offered USD1165 for 5, which equates to USD233 Each. If we were to buy individually it will be USD250. So roughly a USD17 saving. I reckon we can try bargain it down more. USD233 = AUD295 @ 0.79
  19. Hey Mark, Count me in, I still haven't had my car Dynoed yet + Will be good meet some of you. Danny
  20. so whats happening with this? Are we still progressing with a group buy? Does it really make a difference whether we use the EVO-R tube or the OEM/Plastic tube? If im not mistaken they give the same HP gains?
  21. you think? This car is straight from Japan though only a few cables though....
  22. hey guys does anybody know what those gold cables are in my engine bay? cheers, Danny
  23. hey mate that sounds good, very kind of you. too bad I don't have my plenum yet, since I missed out on the GB! btw, was your car parked on Castlereigh Street in Sydney on Friday night?
  24. I think im gonna get someone to install the GB kit for me....I dont have the tools to start going under the car to install things. just wondering how much it will cost, I'll call on Tuesday. Cant wait for this kit to improve my AT gear changes!
  25. hey mate, how much do you think he would charge to install?
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