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Lukas 33

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Everything posted by Lukas 33

  1. Hello? Anyone? Can somebody unblock Paul so I can get some help around here!
  2. Thanks mate, I bought another CAS. It is received and all sorted.
  3. Nope I need to replace this mother _______ head gasket yet and see how it goes!
  4. I guess I will pull the head off and measure the o-rings to check the size of it. I guess I just get a head gasket which has a bore that matches the outer diameter of the o-ring? Sorry to sound so dumb, I just want to put any basic question out there
  5. Hey, I just found out that Ive blown a head gasket The block has been o-ringed and used a copper gasket. I was wondering if I could simply remove the old gasket and use a cometic mls head gasket and still keep the o-rings there? Or would I have to get the block shaved to remove the recess for the o-rings and use a thicker head gasket or what? I was told the pistons were 20thou oversize. If I used a head gasket for 40thou oversize pistons am I able to continue to use the o-rings or is that just silly? I really dont want to buy anything that isnt going to work. Thanks, Lukas
  6. Hey Guys, I have a standard s1 rb25 head for sale and a standard exhaust manifold for sale. Head has done about 130,000kms and only about 1000 of them over stock boost level. I dont need it as I used another rb25 head for my 25/30. Head comes with stock cams and cam gears and has cam covers too. So it is fairly well all complete apart from manifolds. Head - $350 Manifold - $60 PM me or send me a message on 0406895948. Make me an offer if you think the prices are unreasonable. Thanks, Lukas
  7. Im about to throw in a new thermostat and flush the whole system out now. If it still does that shit then Im going for a drive to get a new sensor. I just wanna drive FFS :|
  8. Tried it without the belts on and it still made that noise. I just pulled everything off and put it all back together and for SOME reason it isn't doing it anymore. Could have been a CAS issue, I am just glad it isn't doing it now. NOW I have a different problem! My coolant is showing STUPIDLY hot readings. It will be fine driving around etc and not doing anything stupid and then BAM is will go from 90 right up to 100 in about 1 second. WTF?!?! I can be driving along fine doing 70 in 4th gear and the temps will rise REALLY fast from 85 to 105 within about 30 seconds. It is just silly. Could I be getting electrical interference somewhere that is messing with the temp sender to the ECU? I am trying to find a known working sender to put in and test. It wasn't raising in temp this bad before when I had no radiator shroud. Now all of a sudden after I have put the shroud on its running stupid hot. Any Suggestions?
  9. Injectors were not touched so I think they SHOULD be fine. I hope :|
  10. Yeh I don't know wtf is up! I have bought a new CAS and it is in the mail express post so should be here by wednesday at the latest. Do you think my CAS could be stuffed? The balancer shows about 35deg when I have the timing light on it and rev it up BUT when I watch the ignition table on the laptop it makes that noise when the ignition table is meant to be about 28 to 32deg. I guess I will see if the CAS if stuffed when the new one arrives. Ok man I will take off the belts tomorrow and see if it still makes that noise. It doesn't make that noise when locked at 10deg though for some reason. Should I just go all out and pull it all down again put it all back together again or wait to see if the new KNOWN working CAS fixes it?
  11. I think it is man :S I am pretty retarded and am not 100% sure how to upload these sound files I recorded. I tried putting them on youtube but no luck I will send you the sound recordings of the two little tests. I did one test on base timing lock to 10 btdc and then another when I let the ignition map go back to normal and recorded them both. If someone wants to help a retard put those audio files online Im all ears. PS It doesn't make that knocking noise when it is locked to 10 btdc
  12. Lukas 33

    Cas R33

    Hey Guys, I need to buy a CAS and need it express posted. I live in the Whitsundays 4800 QLD. Any CAS apart from rb25 neo and r34 gtr CAS will be fine. PM me or message me on 0406895948. Thanks, Lukas
  13. Because the two BP service stations here don't have 98. The only 98 in town is Vortex. Its not my fav either but its the only 98 The AFRs are around 13 at that section of the map. I haven't pulled the timing yet as I have been busy working and fixing another car. I have a day off tomorrow so I am going to run it tomorrow with just the 10 deg btdc base and see if it still does it. I will be making a sound recording for Guilt-Toy using the Gizzmo Kmon too so I will be sure to update the thread with any info.
  14. This theory is also supported by Stokes Theorem as seen here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stokes%27_the...lectromagnetism Now explain to me how the hell I can easily understand that crap but this mystical ping eludes me. I think this god aweful being's reach also extends to the Whitsundays too because no matter where I take the car I can't escape the ping
  15. Car is an r33 gtst s1 with an rb25/30 in it. I am running a ViPEC v44 plug in ecu. All of the cam timing is all 100000000000% spot on and I set the base ignition timing up fine also. Now the issue is when I rev it up in nuetral, around 3000 to 3500 rpm and MAP of 80 to 100kpa (-0.2 to 0 bar of boost) the car pings. It is a very audible noise and do not need to use the knock sensors to hear it. I have a Gizzmo Kmon set up though, not just using my ears The timing in that area is (rpm vs boost in bar): ______3000____3500 -0.2____31______31 __0____27______27 The fuel is Vortex 98. Guilt-Toy said the timing is pretty mild so I have no damn clue why it is doing what its doing. I have NO f**king idea why it is doing this and I am going to pull my hair out and torch the car. Its driving me insane. Any suggestions? Thanks Lukas
  16. How did you go?
  17. Hey, Im chasing a coilpack loom for a s1 r33 gtst. I am located in the Whitsundays 4800 and Townsville 4812. I am happy to pay for an overnight airbag. PM me or message me on my mobile if you have one for sale. 0406895948 Cheers, Lukas
  18. Did you manage to find what the issue was?
  19. A bigger turbo and an ecu
  20. A lot of people will probably bitch and whine and complain that you haven't done a search As a rule of thumb, if you search for something and can't find it, you're not looking hard enough haha You will not NEED to get a tune with the stuff you have listed. a) Unless your ECU is something other than stock, you can not tune it and b) Those mods wont be pushing the boundaries too badly. However as you increase the boost and therefore increase the airflow you can hit R & R. If you don't know what it is, searchy search Personally, I would not just do a 3" dump pipe and then change the cannon, If you are going to go to the trouble of fitting a 3" dump you may as well fit a full 3" system Other than that I think you are on track for some good starting mods better outflow of exhaust gas, better intake of clean air, cooler charged air at TB and a little more boost. In the eyes of response though, the big front mount will increase the lag, but if you are going to up the boost a little more then there should be a fair trade off. If you want a tiny bit more boost without spending big money you can look in the DIY section for "hi boost mode" or something like that using the stock boost solenoid. Or you can get an rb20 actuator. That should keep you happy for a while.........until your new found addiction strikes again
  21. Depends on what power levels you are aiming for. Do a quick search and you will soon find a correlation between AFM and max hp/kw
  22. I agree, if a PFC pops up for that cheap I would not be looking past it either I am just not a haltech fan. The amount you pay, the setting up, the local tuners around here. I have no doubt in my mind that they are good, but the bang for buck ratio is completely out of the question when you have the PFC and ViPEC in hand. We don't have a SINGLE ViPEC tuner in town....but we have 2 that will tune LINK, so I know they can tune ViPEC . Then again that really isn't an issue for me any way as I am not getting anyone here to tune my car I got Guilt-Toy to set my ecu up over the net and give me a base tune so I can drive it around etc and will be driving down to probably Mafia in Mackay or get Guilt-Toy to tune mine while it is on the rollers. If you are in Sydney I am sure you can find someone who can tune a LINK
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