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Everything posted by sidewayssam

  1. Yeh i seen that, if i drift the subaru its need a bit more work doing, e.g. diff, axels, and needs more turning circle
  2. yeh thatd be cool, theres way more s13s then s14s
  3. yeh i know but still im not a fan of reeces or any american choclate aye, i worked in the us for 6months last year and my mum frequently sent me cadburys, the yanks loved it
  4. yeh i was thinkin the sponsorship side of things, gettin results drifting a subaru might get attention from subaru specialists
  5. yeh i memba seeing ur car after ur accident, u gettin a new shell or?
  6. Hey guys im Tryna Make my mind up to what im gonna do with my cars, I have a road registered R32 with RB25DET that has been built for drift, I also have a Imported unregistered Wrx that ive converted to Rwd and has been used for drift, I havnt raced for a year and i miss it already i just dont know what to do with what? im thinkn to keep the r32 for drift and make the rex awd again but i dunno
  7. i only like peanut butter on my toast
  8. drivers sign on 5.30pm and driftn starts at 6.30pm
  9. fkn awsome dude
  10. hey all the next drift practice is on fruday 13th june, i will be there ofcourse but will be driftn the wrx not the r32, so whos coming down??? skidskidskid
  11. hey brad how come u never gave me adjuster thing whenn i bought the coilovers for the subarari?
  12. nah i live on gnangara road n get sick of waking up in the middle of the night to hear vroooooooooooom vrooooooooooooooooooooom vroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom vroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom vroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom gets on me nerve, especialy when its a 250 bike
  13. playstation
  14. no skiskidskid ftw
  15. u win lotto or sumtin? what are u usin it for, get a cefiro/skyline/silvia and make it go skidskidskid
  16. lol coz u put ur foot into it der
  17. lol wicked, lol yep evrybody thats my r32 in the pics
  18. hey guys heres a few pics of me driftpig
  19. pics are wikid, cheers mate, awsome how u did that bonnet thingy
  20. kk cheers
  21. yeh ill do it again sometime, well arange it earler tho and get a bigger turnout for industrial area vid
  22. u going there from alexander heights rhys?
  23. cool bananas
  24. im up for it, so is me mate
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