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Everything posted by sidewayssam

  1. yeh thnx ill have a look at it
  2. so are we still gonna run it over the pits in the mourning without the regulator motor?
  3. i have currently put my aprenticeship on hold, i have completed to hole years and have 1.5 lest, when i started, a mechanic apprenticeship was 4years but then got nocked down to 3.5years, however if you was to start an apreticeship now i believe it has been knocked down to 3years
  4. really, so mrmayhem do you know where i can get one?
  5. mmm when i started my apprenticeship i found that import and peformance places arent really interested in some1 new to the trade, i found it easier to go through a dealrship, i was first offered an apprenticeship with holden after i left the i had job offers from mazda and another holden dealership, i recently left metro motors holden in morley and i believe there stil looking for a new appretnice
  6. would i even be alowed to drift with the half cage if it does no meet cams regs?
  7. are u talking kws or hp? i have a rb25det with work done too it, i have the hks gt2540r and running on 14psi it has 265.9hp on a crappy tune, i have heard by many people that the 2540 on the rb25 can produce up to 350rwhp, as pimpn said im gettin my car re-tuned next week by tenagah motorsport, i will bringing the boost up to 16-18psi depending on what power it has, ill let u know how it goes
  8. once your off yellow, take it out
  9. i have tried getting a window reg for me mates skyline to get it over the pits for the last couple weeks and believe it or not but the only place i found had them was northside nissan in wangara, they will supply them, and fit them, but its not too hard too do so if you wanna save money and have a few tools its not too hard to do it yourself
  10. mmmmmm good point i didnt think of that haha i dont think they can, unless its new dash gauges n stuff
  11. sidewayssam


    i entered my ss last year but they were full and took my name number and adress and assured me there would be a spot for me and that thed contact me, they never did grrrr n i tried to re enter but it was already full, i should of complained but didnt as i no longer have the ss, theres always next year
  12. i think that you should go through a company if you arent viewing it first, companies like imports101 have people in japan who inspect the veichles before you purchase them, importing privatly you might receive a car that has had the odometer wound back excessively and been in previous accident. plus if you go through and import place you should get warranty, do you know if there is much price difference from privatly importing or through a company?
  13. if you import it privately are you intending to go to japan yourself to check it out first?
  14. pimpn asked me to update this thread for him problemed solved, i been helping brendan fix pimpn and we found that all that was wrong was the plugs wernt gapped right lol :sorcerer: so it goes hard now just gotta get it off the yellow sticker by friday, replced control arm bushes today and picking up the window reg tomorow and a few other thing and should be back on the street
  15. mmm i think i might leave the cage idea for now, u dont need a cage for drifting at barbagello anyway, ill guess il have to try not to crash till i have more money
  16. also, kinda off topic but drmafia i beleive i have seen your car around joondalup, if u are who i think u r u came up too me one time while i was working at caltex autocare joondalup and asked where u could get a wheel allignment from, i maybe wrong tho
  17. ok cool, im gettin the car tuned at tenagah next thursday so ill see how it goes and if i wanna get diff turbo ill see what they reckon about going the td06, cheers
  18. i probbly wont go this time, save me money for new tyres, booked the skyline in for tune and boost next week at tenagah so will be interesting to see how it goes after
  19. WGMG when cops follow you. every time you change lane or turn they follow, and especially when there driving the oppisite direction and they do a Uturn just to follow you even when you have done nothing wrong, even one time followed me too my house and pulled me over as i pulled into my driveway so that all my neighbours could come outside and watch
  20. 3.5inch apexi brooom broooooom
  21. you have that hq and was there as i got mine dynoed right? i wouldnt be trying to get more than 330hp on stock internals
  22. lol when we stopped at rockingham i went for a piss, when i was walking back to my car i noticed a strange light in my car, as i got to my car i realised that it wasnt actually my car so i kinda just turned around and walked awa hahahha oops
  23. lol will do this weekend, can ya upload vids to threads or does it have to be a youtube link or something?
  24. lol nah i dont really wanna, its not that it doesnt have the power i dunno, ive done a few more slower and it seems fine, but when i go for a big whip it wants to stall
  25. sidewayssam


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