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Everything posted by mattye

  1. Sorry to hyjack the thred. But Chris what soughta prices would i be looking at for a half decent alarm/imobiliser installed? I'm in brissy too. Would it be a weekend job?
  2. Someone who is good with photoshop should "make a stagea transform"...if u catch my drift. How cool would that be.
  3. Chears guys. I did mean 0.8mm. What bout the Gearbox though? What have people used? I actually called nissan yesterday. The first guy was like is it a Nissan. Then gave me a number for their GTR specalists. Then after 15 mins of being transfered, and me saying i want to talk to a service guy a couple of times this girl goes "I will have to get one of the service guys to call u back". So by that piont i just said don't worry. Lol. I had to laugh though.
  4. So I've had the stag for a while n have decided its time to give her a bit of a service. I'll mainly be doing the fluids and so far I've sussed the following out. Plugs: NGK BCPR7ES (Gapped to 0.08mm) Oil Filter: Ryco Z145A or Valvoline V04 Engine Oil: 10W60 or 0W40 (Will need approx 5L) Diff Fluid: Castrol SAFXA 75W140 (Approx 1.5L each) Transfer Case Fluid: Castrol Transmax Z ATTESA Fluid: Dextron 3 ATF Brake Fluid: Castrol SRF So all left is. What part number is the Fuel filter? and What Gearbox Fluid should I use? It's a Manual Box. If you've used something else let us know. Thanks Mattye
  5. she's a beauty...lol. i want one...
  6. yeh its good but sometimes u kick it around the corner and starts making things un predictable ie suddenly u get overstear i'm still not sure if i like it or not...i haven't had the car for long so maybe i'm just still getting used to having it
  7. Yeah man RS FOUR S's come with HICAS...thats a pain so realy sounds like the only way would be to remove the actuators n put a rod in..
  8. Sorry for hijacking the thred but i got a S2 RS FOUR S. Is there a way to temp disable the HICAS ie pull a fuse or something. I'm not quite sure if i like it yet. I mean its good in the wet but in the dry its a pain.
  9. Was talking to a mate bout this the other day. My left front boot is split. He fixes/mods cars on the side. He recomended that if I did the boot I may as well do the whole cv, as time n effort it takes, may as well change it all whilst your there. their not expensive so may as well so you don't have to do it all again.
  10. 2nd one but with a chrome lip
  11. I'm also very interested in the response to this. A that pipe is now taped up on mine too and there are a couple of other pipes that are perished and need replacing. I was thinking of calling nissan and seeing if they have a hose/pipping kit for the RB. Or get a pic and go down and get the specific part numbers for them. Though on the other hand could probs get somone on here to Fast them.
  12. hahahah...good to know i'm not the only one...i do the same thing...feel or hear somthing weird...sterio goes down...most of the time its nothing...sometimes its actually the sterio
  13. I've got the book on the far right. Came with the car. Though the whole language barrier is a pain But as for the others I'm +1 for translations.
  14. A bit of topic. Am I the only one who is perhaps over sensitive to the sounds and vibrations from my car, or are there others in my boat. What I mean is when ur driving and u hear a noise or feel a vibration that u may not have felt or heard before, and worry that its a bad noise or vibration.
  15. Ben i am getting a tiny bit of surge...wether is me being over sensitive to the car or an actual miss is another thing. But also they're 9 year old packs. So its also simply a preventative measure. I'm planning future mods so having packs that i know are deffinatly up to standard will be a weight of my mind. (I'm also going to change the plugs at the same time) So by the looks of it I'll go for the Splitfire ones. Just did a bunch of overtime this week at work so that will pay for them nicely. I was kinda thinking that the whole "You get what you paid for" thing would apply in this case but still wanted to put the question out there. Thanks all. I'll let everyone know if i see a difference when i get them.
  16. Ok so Just Jap has either "Splitfire Direct Ignition Coil Packs" for $695 or "JJR Direct Ignition Coil Packs" for $399 for sale. Splitfire: http://justjap.com/store/product.php?produ...at=0&page=1 JJR: http://justjap.com/store/product.php?produ...at=0&page=1 Does anyone know the difference? Has anyone experianced both or have any recomendations? Hard facts guys not just because you've got them. I am making the assumption that cause they both say they can go on a R34 with the RB25 Neo they will be fine. Is this right? I have a Series 2 RS FOUR S. Thanks in Advance Guys n Girls.
  17. For your reading Theres a number of different system types but this is the one the Stagea uses. ATTESA-ETS The Electronic Torque Split version off this all-wheel drive architecture was developed for usage in Nissan's north-south layout vehicles, and was first used in August 1989 in the R32 Nissan Skyline GT-R and Nissan Skyline GTS4. It utilizes what is mostly a conventional RWD gearbox. Although the Skyline GT-R is exclusively AWD, ATTESA-ETS is also used in Nissan models that are also available as RWD such as the A31 Nissan Cefiro which was the second Nissan to feature the system exactly a year later in August 1990. Drive to the rear wheels is constant via a tailshaft and rear differential, however drive to the front wheels is more complex by utilizing a transfer case at the rear of the gearbox. The drive for the front wheels comes from a transfer case bolted on the end of an almost traditional RWD transmission although the (bell housing is slightly different to allow the driveshaft for the front wheels to pass it, the main body is exactly the same as the RWD transmission, the tail-shaft is different to couple to the transfer case). A short driveshaft for the front wheels exits the transfer case on the right side. Inside the transfer case a chain drives a multi-plate wet clutch pack, torque is apportioned using a clutch pack center differential, similar to the type employed in the Steyr-Daimler-Puch system in the Porsche 959. On the rear differential is a high pressure electric oil pump, this pump pressurises Normal ATF oil (0-288psi) into the transfercase to engage the clutchpack. The higher the oil pressure the transfer case is supplied with, the more the clutch pack engages, this is how the torque to the front wheels is varied. The transfer case has its own dedicated ATF (Nissan special ATF) oil to lubricate the chain/clutch pack. The front driveshaft runs along the right side of the transmission, into a differential located on the right of the engine's oilpan. The front right axle is shorter than the left, as the differential is closer to the right wheel. The front left axle runs through the engine's sump to the left wheel. The ATTESA-ETS layout is more advanced than the ATTESA system, and uses a 16bit microprocessor that monitors the cars movements at 100 times per second to sense traction loss by measuring the speed of each wheel via the ABS sensors. A three axis G-Sensor mounted underneath the center console feed lateral and longitudinal inputs into an ECU, which controls both the ATTESA-ETS 4WD system and the ABS system. The ECU can then direct up to and including 50% of the power to the front wheels. When slip is detected on one of the rear wheels (rear wheels turn 5% or more than the front wheels), the system directs torque to the front wheels which run a viscous LSD. Rather than locking the AWD in all the time or having a system that is "all or nothing", the ATTESA-ETS system can apportion different ratios of torque to the front wheels as it sees fit. This provides the driver with an AWD vehicle that performs like a rear wheel drive vehicle in perfect conditions and can recover control when conditions aren't as perfect. The advantage to a more traditional ATTESA (Viscous LSD) system is response in hundredths of a second. ATTESA E-TS system is used in the following models: · R32 and R33 (1989-1997) GTS4 Skyline · GT-R - 1989–2003 · Nissan Stagea · A31 Cefiro · Infiniti G35x/Nissan Skyline (V35 & V36) · Infiniti FX · Infiniti EX35 (with Active Brake Limited Split for side-to-side torque split, as needed) · Nissan Fuga (Known as Infiniti M in export markets) · Nissan GTI-R
  18. Actual sounds like the fuel pump....when u turn ur car to "on" the sound is the fuel pump primming. Fuel pump would be 10 or so years old so its due for a new one anyway.
  19. correction not 10 psi. 7. Or half a bar
  20. Yeah dude...pretty sure it would be a factory bov plumed back. though was it just dropping under hard throtle? Probs wastgate opening to stop the turbo overboosting and staying open too long. Maybe. I fix planes not cars so not 100%.
  21. Just Insured my Series 2 RS FOUR S today for $1500 a year, $1000 excess cause I'm under 25, Agreed value. With JUSTCAR. Got a quote over the phone from NRMA for over $3000 a year. as a result I didn't get it with them
  22. Hey dude. The autos came with the 2 stage boost solenoid, and the manuals ran straight 10 psi peak. I'm pretty sure thats what it peaks at. So sounds a bit off. I'm not quite sure but it could have something to do with the wastegate, or what ever they use instead of a blowoff valve. I belive it would be just plumed back, so there would be a spring that when the preasure built up it would compress it and allow air back past. Same idea as a wastegate Sounds as though when u peak ur loosing too much preasure so perhaps something is staying open too long. So a spring may have lost its tension. Anyways just what it seams like to me. Give a mechanic who has experiance on RB25s a call. They might know.
  23. Hey Guys I think u all took what i said way to litteraly. I'm not saying that u should have a tiny exhaust. I was just pointing out a common mistake made by alot of people who are under the influence that the bigger the better. And although most of the time it is. There is a point when bigger stops being better. But at the end of the day think about it...there is a reason even drag cars still have exhaust pipes.
  24. Yeah mate First owner in aus...well except for the guy that imported it...never been registered in aus. Live North Side of brisbane.
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