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Everything posted by mattye

  1. In the next 2-3 weeks I will have a R33 GTS-T Gearbox for sale. Good condition, 85,000k's, includes Tailshaft, Clutch and X-member. Pick up Brisbane, or will freight at buyers expense. Looking for quick sale, $1500 or best offer. Contact via PM.
  2. In the next 2-3 weeks I will have a R33 GTS-T Gearbox for sale. Good condition, 85,000k's, includes Tailshaft, Clutch and X-member. Pick up Brisbane, or will freight at buyers expense. Looking for quick sale, $1500 or best offer. Contact via PM.
  3. Im in. Assuming the car is on the road. If not I'll catch a ride with greenghost
  4. Mins manual. Works exactly the same.
  5. Could this do damage?? Ie. To the transfer case etc.
  6. Re-sleaving is quite common. I'd be inclined to do all cylinders though. That way u know everything is all good
  7. Im in man... Also might go for a cruise some time...see if i can suss out a good route idea
  8. I run Royal Purple. I know a few others do too. Aprox $100 dollars from autobarn. Doesn't have to be changed more often...Although I do a change around every 5000k. Awsome stuff...when I put it in the Stag it ran smoother and slightly quieter. Have a look at this artical. Its old but an interesting read. http://www.royalpurple.com.au/article_imag..._supplement.php
  9. Hey buddy....Kinda sounds like the turbos being starved of oil...if its comming and going....Just an Idea
  10. Did u mean to say 4"??? Thats massive. Have u done anything to the engine? Pretty much all engines...expecially japanese engines run rich from the factory. A good tune will fix that up nicely.
  11. Just to confirm. People meeating at Springwood Macas. Meet around 9:15/9:30 then we'll leave and cruise to Coomera BP at round 9:45. Gona be a goooood day.
  12. Bumpity Bump Bump Not long now...just 2 sleeps...new oil for the stag today n a good clean n wash tomorow Whos gona meet at Springwood Macas?
  13. Ill probs come down for some of that dude but u'll have to fill me on any rules if theres and diff ones to myles place lol
  14. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?rls=com.mic...ved=0CBUQnwIwAA
  15. O btw. Brissy Boys keen to meet at Springwood Macas at about 9:30 leave for coomera bp at about 9:50-10:00????? seamed to work pretty good last time
  17. we need more cars....need to beat 14 was it
  18. PICS OR BAN!!! Hahahahaha Jokes Jokes mate. But seriously. Chuck some pics up dude.
  19. mattye

    Japan Trip

    Have you costed up a container yet dude? Would deffs be keen to throw some stuff in if you get one. Hmmmm thinkin some new Defi gauges would be good
  20. Just confirming deffs will be me + 1. And will be sporting new exhaust
  21. I'm in. Should be me + 1. But will confirm as soon as i can. Can't wait.
  22. Hahahahahahahha.......Thats P I M P Mother F#%KER (Said with 50 Cents accent)
  23. Would have been sweeter if it was a S2....bwahahhahaha Ducks to dodge all the m35 owners verbal insults.
  24. I went to JB to buy a laptop. After deciding on which one i was gona get i decided to have a look at the car audio (just to look, not to buy)..they were having like 30% off all car audio.. Anyway long story short, ended up walking away with a brand new laptop as well as a brand new 09 pioneer fold out dvd player for the car...was a good buy, no chance it was gona be that price again. And i have never looked back.
  25. nice man...i had thought about doin that myself too, or something similar...not that big, was thinking bout half that size on the back of my shoulder.
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