Dont quote me on it. But ive done a bit of research on the rules. And from memory A Pod filter has to be fully enclosed but u can use the guard and the bonnet to form some of the sides. And only catch with the BOV is its not allowed to vent to atmosphere. thing is with a Pod on it sounds like it vents to atmosphere.
But again dont quote me on it.
Anyway have a look on the transport web site. its there somewhere. takes a bit to find it but its there.
Mate I've got Splitfire packs in mine. When i was looking at doing the swap i talked to a couple of workshops and alot recomended superspark as a cheaper alternative to the splitfires. Haven't heard much about the yellow jackets, and also the JJR ones Just Jap sell so i would stear clear. unless someone can recomend them. but unless they have been in a car for a couple of years you cant realy give a good opinion.
Fitted 2 brand spankin new 200L Eskys plus 2 mates in the stag on the weekend. was interesting. had to drive from colloundra to brissy without a rearview mirror.
I think im still keen.
I might have to make a last minute bail but as of the moment im in.
Adam. U keen to meet up n cruise down to macas together. Seams im just around the corner from u. Im in mcdowall.
Sorry to break up the plans guys but just remembered that this Sunday the 17th is BDO. So probs not a good date. It will be crazy packed, and I wouldnt be suprised if some of the roads are closed off. May not efect us then again it might.
Hey Guys probs should have said that I already have full adjustable coilovers all round. Its already lowered and quite a hard ride. So i'm only lookin at gettin bushes and swaybar. Hopfully if putting a new rear bar on it will stiffen up the rear enough so i can soften the suspension up a tad.
kk mate thanks. so obviously the main gain is from going from a hollow to a solid. i would also expect there be a good gain from the adjustability of it right. one of the main reasons i want to put one in is if i can stiffen the roll up i can soften the suspension a bit as at the moment its quite stif. which means it handles well but obviously a wrough ride.
lol. i spent 2 or so months starting my holdenm apollo like that after frying the loom behind the dash when a gps was pluged into my cigaret lighter socket that was loose. pretty sure it touched some metal behind the dash.
already got full adjustable cailovers. i was mainly after the castor bushes and rear swaybar.
im booked into get a safety check and quote from peders on monday so will see how they go and pedders use whiteline gear.
Shoot a PM to DarenSpencer hes hes a brissy boy thats just finished the conversion, now doin major engine work.
Cant remember exactly but its round $4-$5G just from the kit from MASA n then you need fitment + paint etc. So youd want to budget a minimum of $10G.
I think there may have been a company that was gona do copies in oz but i dont think they ended up doing them.
And guys there r seriously so many of these threads. have a good search n you will find almost all the info you need
Hi all. So I've had a bit of a look around on the site and I think I've worked some stuff out. But still have a few Q's.
Q1. Does the Stag share all Suspension Arms and Bushes with the 33GTR or just some of the bushes?
Q2. I've heard that there is not much gain from fitting a new Front Swaybar so I was just gona get the rear (probs Whiteline). True/False?
Q3. I was just gona use Sydneykids Part Numbers from his Group Buy. These should still be correct shouldnt they?
I did a search of the part numbers he used on the Whiteline website and they come up so assume they will still be fine.
I'll be going into a few suspension places on the weekend and getting a few quotes etc. But I just wanted some thing to go in with. Cause as we all know their gona go "It's a What"
< As you can see its a RS Four S.
Thanks to all in advance.
I will let you all know what the suspension places say.