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Everything posted by mattye

  1. How bout that guage that sits up on the dash against the A pillar. I think its a torque meter or something. ive only seen a pic of it once or twice.
  2. Thats actually why he said to check. Pulled the MAF Sensor off yesterday. She was bloody dirty so gave her + connectors a clean. And I have to say, even if it wasn't the problem, a clean MAF makes a difference. Had another look around the engine bay whilst it was running. Didn't spot anything. Thought i found a leak on one of the IC joins, but i think it was my imagination. lol . Gave it a tighten anyway.
  3. Whats the addative? I was thinking of sussing out an addative, but i belive Castrol already has one in it. And I'm a bit of a Castrol fan. Also a bit of an update. I talked to a mate who's pretty good with RBs, he's also building my mates RB30 for his VL (so I trust his oppinion). And he recons its probs electrical (as pipster11 has already said). He said specificaly to check the ECU for water. So I've bought some electrical spray and I'm gona spend the arvo pulling plugs etc apart and giving them a spray.
  4. Yeh mate have a HKS pod. N i did have a look/feel around the pod n near by, both times it happened and couldn't see/feel any water.
  5. well nissan recomend 7.5W30 i think it is so its pretty close. Castrol recomend 0W40 or 5W30. was thinking might go 5W30 next time to compare.
  6. hahaha yeh seems like it...i just need you to put urs on then when u tell me u had no problems ill do it
  7. So it happened again bout 20 mins ago, again in the rain. its got me stumped. i think maybe im gona have to just pull everything apart bit by bit n put it back together. the turbo was making more of a whoooo noise by the way. maybe water is geting in a crack or split or somewhere where the seal had diminished.
  8. yeh i dont think theres a split as its driving perfectly fine as if nothing ever happened, boosts fine and drives fine. just changed the oil again. will see what happens. n ive given it a decent drive so it was up to opperating temp. i think its just one of those things. hopefully it doesnt happen again.
  9. So yesterday arvo I was driving from my place to my GFs place up the Bruce Highway. It was raining pretty heavily but thats no problem. But all of a sudden the Stag lost power and the turbo whistle/whine went realy high pitched. On back off insted of the turbo plumback noise being a nice Chhhhhh noise it was more of a short higher pitch chh. At first I thought the turbo may have sucked in a bit of water n as a result died, so I slowed down and kept it off boost, and continued on to my GFs place (seems I had to get somewhere and by that time it was closer to her place). After a few ks though (5 or so) the problem went away and all is back to normal. So now im thinking it may have been starved of oil, as I just recently (ie.christmas eve) did a oil change and decided to try Mobil 1 0W40 (changing from Castrol Edge Sport 0W40, Which I have had no problems with what so ever). After the oil change I did notice the engine was slightly noisier n there was more vibration. So I was going to change the oil back anyway, n i have new oil sitting in the garage now. But does anyone have any ideas of what the problem might have been? Agree with my prognocis? Disagree? I know its a hard one and my explanation is not the best. If it helps its a RS FOUR S. All help is appreciated. Thanks Mattye
  10. As title says. Did anyone get any good presents for their baby, Aka. Stagea for chrismas? I didn't get anything but I did make a pact with myself befor chrissy that I wouldn't buy anything for the car till after chrissy. So now as a result I have a nice list of toys I'll be getting very soon. Including a FMIC, some gauges, rear strut brace etc.
  11. Micah so r u mobile? Or bed ridden? I'm pretty keen to cruise down to Myles's for a friday drinks some time in the new year.
  12. Micah give it more than just a few weeks. Time heals all remember
  13. Dude im so sorry to hear that. Even after meeting u once it was enough to know how much the car means to u. So in this regard I draw ur attention to the movie "Love The Beast" in particular the fact that Eric Bana re-built his pride and joy several times. Because the car was/is more than just a car. Its almost a part of the family. A bit corny i know but I guess what im trying to say is that we mod our cars to suit our needs/wants ie. if u need a softer ride do it. At the end of the day it will still be ur pride and joy and it will still more importantly have that centimental value that I saw the first time I met u. Mate, make sure u wait till all is better before u make any major decisions. U may find that u can still drive the Stag after its all over. Even if it requires a few extra mods. Finally. MERRY CHRISTMAS MATE. All the best. Will hopefully see u back to normal soon.
  14. yeh expecially in oz. i run castrol edge sport 0W40. no prob with it at all. though next change just to try something diff i'm gona use a similar mobile oil.
  15. "She's a Beauty" Like the black bonnet, rims look awsome. N that kit. Looks great mate.
  16. He's over in NZ so i would say thats probs why its so high.
  17. iamhe77 don't mean to sound like a pesamist but perhaps some before and after dyno sheets before everyone gets too caried away. Although yes u are creating in essence a bigger plenum, ur also making it further for the air to travel. Which is probs why as u said its because having longer runners can make the turbo spool latter.Just my 2c. I talked to Mercury Garage about runner lengths when i was contemplating geting a front facing plenum a few months ago. They recomended geting a plazmaman rather than a Greddy for this reason because a plazmaman plenum doesn't replace the runners. N with the Greddy because it replaces the runners the turbo was spooling 400 rpm latter than the plazmaman. PS: as a side note i decided not to get the plenum yet cause i couldn't justify the money YET.
  18. Yeh i posted it up when the pics first surfaced. still a beautiful car though.
  19. Dude PM Micah(RB26STAGEA). He just got his C34 retrimed a couple of months ago. Its one of the nicest retrims i've seen. Prety much what i'll be doin if i get one done
  20. hahahahah ...sorry fellas im taken.
  21. Cheers Mate. hahahah yeh mate . Y?
  22. I want to go 6000K but im not sure if they'll be too bright. I dont want to be attracting unwanted attention. Plus I want everyone else on the road pissed off with me cause they can barely see. Looking at upgrading my headlights. Maybe upgrade the Highbeam next. I agree mate. That would be what I'd be doing. Is the T10 base a standard base?
  23. So I've had a search n have worked out that I'll probs get new bulbes through "sharperdeal" on Ebay. I'm thinking 6000K or 8000K. Not 100% yet cause although i want the 6000K's n really like the idea of having nice bright headlights, I'm not sure if they will be too bright n in that case I'd go for the 8000K's. So I've got 3 questions. 1. What do people recomend out of the 2? I do a mix of City, Suburban and Highway driving. If some people can post up some pics maybe. Looking at the car as well as showing how far/much they light the area up. 2. Looking on "sharperdeals" Ebay page you can select D2R/D2S and then the intensity or you can just select the intensity. Which one do I need? From the looks the bases/mounting is different. 3. Also has anyone changed their parkers(ie.small bulbs in head lights)? And what with? FYI: They will be going in a S2 RS FOUR S. Thanks to everyone in advance Mattye
  24. Dude the diff rolling diameter is defs the prob. As a side not I noticed that the 4wd was kicking in more ofter with just lower tyre pressure (I know of others that this has happened to). Also as kidafa said dont mix n match tyres from side to side on each axle. Not just for safety reasons but u can damage diffs etc by putting diff size tyres on the one axle.
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