Hey all. My rear CV's are on the way out so i'm gona get all 4 reco'd(Thats front n rears)(For peace of mind. As it is a 10 Yr old car.) I'll probs pull them out myself n take them to the reco place. Uness they can do me a good price for them pulling them out.
Just wondering though. Does the Stagea use R33 GTR CV's or are they unique to Stageas?
Also what wrough prices would i be looking at?
Edit: And its a RS FOUR S if that make a diff.
Thanks in advance.
Spotted red series 1 with "574GEA" plates yesterday. Heading up the coast from brissy. I turned off at the redcliff/northleakes turn off they kept going. We both exchanged friendly waves. I love the excitement that comes with seeing another stagea .
Dude just do exactly what it says.
Red - Get some wire bout same size (or one size up) run it from the +ve on ur battery. I would also put a fuse in line near the battery end just to be safe.
Black - Ground to shassy. Look under the dash n pick a screw/bolt that won't get taken off again n put it under the head. This is where the multimeter will come in handy cause it will alow u to find a good earth.
White - Ignition switch 12v
Orange - Headlight power. Again a multimeter will help here.
Hey guys just found this in the general DIY section. Its a bit old so some people would have already seen it.
It pretty good for a wrough guide.
hard to say without seeing the car mate.
have a look through the buyers guide. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Bu...n-C-t92065.html
also very handy to get a mechanic to look at it for peace of mind.
What about go to a tyre place. See if they've got some spare steelies with tyres on them. Get 2 one width/offset and get 2 another. N test away.
I can't see how it would (it doesn't affect the system on C34's but stranger things have happened).
I've got the exact same problem. Gona get a mate to cut it n weld in some straight stainless steel to make it right.
I even called just jap to tell them n had some idiot tell me that it was right cause it said it on the box. I was like clearly its not right, cause its on my car n hits the transfecase mount.
Looks like a nice list dude. Bit jeallous. Pm me if u want a hand with anything. Would be a good chance to suss things out for when i get the ball rolling with my stag.
mate every one has their own preferances when it comes to oils.
Mainly u just want to make sure ist a full synthetic and its in the right weight range.
Doesn't the "Auto Cluster" have the gear sellector possition between the tacho n the speedo. ie Park, Reverse, Neutral, Drive etc
Maybe someone has changed that window.
Yeh it is expensive. For reference i payed like $70 - $80 for 4L of Castrol Tranxmax Z from Super Cheap. Im putting it in my Transfer case. N depending on how much is left ill do the attessa fluid.
Not sure bout the auto but i just put Castrol SAF-XA in my diffs. Its a LSD and Non-LSD Full Synthetic. Costs about $25 - $30 for 1L Bit pricey but its really good stuff. I straight away felt the difference. Youl only need bout 1.5L Per diff. I got 4L cause i like to make sure i over flow it so i know it deffinatly full.
As for the Auto I bellive most guys use a standard ATF oil. Something like Castrol Transmax Z. I've got a manual stag so not 100%
Nice pics Adam.
Also I would like to add that I got 480ks out of the tank for the cruise haven't filled up since sat arvo n the light is only just comming on. And most of the time i was in 3rd n shifting down to 2nd for the corners (and was always at high revs) + the couple of fast runs I think the stag loved the long drive. Must have cleaned her out.