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  1. Thanks for your replies! I like that there are some people that thinks that it deserve to monitoring oil press and failsafe my engine. The same fail safe I will have with wideband! Can you imagine the result if I will have sudden problem with fuel system? Injectors, FPR, FPR hose (the most usually) In a drag car like this the gauges are useless. Warning lights too! When I will drive this monster for sure I cannot see gauges and lights! Solution is only one! Engine protection for anything you want to monitor.
  2. I have Nismo oil pump! So you think that I must not worry so much about my oil pump? My turbo is really huge for 1500hp I am not sure how much hp we will see... You can see in the signature my setup..
  3. A pass is 8-10 sec... If the oil pump stop work during a pass what will be the result?
  4. It is a race car only for DRAG use. So I don't have this problem. I like the idea to accusump if it realy works... I still don't understand how this will inform me that is working to stop my car.
  5. johnnilicte are you kidding? The stock sensor will send signal when oil pressure will be VERY low. If the engine normally at WOT have oil press 5BAR I want the ecu to CUT OFF if the oil press will be less than 4BAR!!! For IAT I agree I will put an GM sensor. For speed input there is a problem. ABS sensors send analog signal. And I think that Haltech/Link can read only DIGITAL signal.So I need either a converter module from analog to digital(VR to HALL) and I don't know price or models. OR to replace the abs sensor with a hall sensor.Anyone have done this before? Anyone who knows if the GT101 honeywell fits in GTR abs place? KiwiRS4TW hat do you mean high sensitive? Isn't it like all oil press sensors? Like the sensors of gauges? scotty nm35 I want to believe that wouldn't be so late. The ecu can cut off the engine in 0seconds. Without oil de-revving the engine from 8000 to 0 will be so catastrophic? Think that at the time that engine will cut off the head will be full oil oil... This oil will go down to the engine.. So which part will damage? Ok ok maybe it will be too late.. I don't believe that 100% will safe my engine.. But I have possibilities to really safe it.. Or to make small damage only... It is better to think possitive
  6. I am looking to buy either LINK Plug in or Haltech plug in! About the Link what else I will need except a map sensor? IAT I have read that I can use the stock? True? Boost solenoid? Can I use just an aftermarket solenoid or I must buy from LINK? Is it easy on LINK ecu to have engine protection for AFR and Oil Press? If AFR>13.0 & BOOST>20psi rpm limit 300rpm (engine off) If OILPRESS<45psi & BOOST>1psi rpm limit 300rpm (engine off) This is very easy on Haltech ecu but I don't know about LINK Also oil press sensor I must buy from link or something else? Wideband just an AEM wideband with 0-5analog connected to the ecu? Haltech have a can wideband for faster and better connection (I am not sure if it is better than just an analog 0-5) How I will read speed? From ABS sensor? I need any module or I will just connect it to the ecu?
  7. I had T04Z with Turbosmart 48mm and the car was working at 2.2bar! To run this boost was with completely off the vacum pipe of wastegate (like a boost valve full opened) Now I am preparing for a GT45. This turbo is for 1200hp Can this wastegate handle this turbo? What boost do you think that I must run? Also I am just understanding that the springs of my wastegate was only for 17psi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This means that the wastegate was opened earlierd than my max boost? I think that the answer is yes... So I am wondering how this car worked!!!
  8. I don't want to test it I would like to tell me if it is safe the head for example 9000rpm. I think that 9000rpm limit for theese turbos is good to give me a satisfactory power range, right? I read that theese turbos starts at 5000rpm! So 5-9 will be the power range!
  9. In the head of my rb26 I have only hks cams 272 9.3 ! What is the max safe rpm that I can run it? My block has everything to run very high rpm I think (nismo oil pump, oil return, ati race pulley etc). I am thinking to run a T51 SPL BB or T88H-38GK that both is for 1000+ HP so I need some rpms to run it in good rpm!!
  10. Oh God! THIS IS JUST SPAM!!!! I crashed!!! OK I CRASHED!!! And so what??? Because I crashed I don't have skills to do 9sec? Wow!! Thanks specialists-judges-experts-consultants-assesors!! Just try to see why I crashed.. I have done many races.. WHY NOW I CRASHED?? I am so unable to drive it straight the car with 800hp or it is something other the problem? WHY MY CAR DRIFT AFTER THE 1/8MILE??? WHY MY CAR DON'T STOP WHEN I PUSH THE BRAKES??? SEE THE ROAD.... SEE THE BUMPS-HUMPS OVER 1/8MILE... SEE THE NON-EXISTENT GLUE AFTER THE 1/16MILE... SEE HOW MUCH DIRTY AND DUSTY WAS ALL THE ROAD!!! MY WRONG IS THAT I DRIVE IT AS I WILL DRIVE IT IN A DECENT STRIP! BUT I WAS IN A MOTOCROSS RACE! If I was in a decent strip I will do the accident??? NO After this accident this drag strip closed untill will constract new surface! It wasn't my fault.. I GO THERE TO RACE... NOT FOR A WALK!!!!!!!! Also I was so nervous because I couldn't do good 60f because the glue that there was untill 1/16 was so bad prepared... so I put 7.5psi at my tires and with theese bumps and humps the car was dancing like a bitch!! So stop to comment the accident... if you are better do better times for me in this f@cking bad strip!
  11. I ask how to make 9sec! I have mam and dad to protect me to don't kill anyone or to kill myself! Jesus it was just accident!
  12. Your humor and some other guys here is so so BLACK!! Jesus!! If you cannot help don't write nothing!!
  13. Also the car will full stripped as now will be drag car.. With 600whp that sure I have now I am not sure if I can do so low as you say..... I did 11.2 with 1.75 60foot! Ok sure I cannot do better launch than 1.5 with et streets!!!!! In an other race I did 1.5 in a decent dragstrip! So how much better than 11.2 with 1.5 launch?? I was thinking that I can do 10.5 at best! My terminal I think that it is good... 134mph! I will prepare a new s13 chassis for drag car and I will stay with my setup for some races... but I don't think that I can go neighter for high 9!! And I want very low 9 T51 SPL can make 1000hp flywheel! With 850whp what time gives your calculation with 1250kg?
  14. Thanks!! Any other 9's cars with stock gearbox gtr or gtst ? So do you think that there isn't anything wrong with my stock tranny to do low 9's with my S13? Or the gearbox will last for some passes?
  15. Thanks for your reply! Ok sure I will learn to drive it better but the t04z power can put me at 9's as you said... But can do very low 9? I don't think so So I am thinking to put larger injectors, t51 spl and new exhaust that will exit at front fender side. Do you think that if I will do this setup I can do very low 9sec? Something else do you think that I need? I will put also full rollcage, front runners and I will strip everything of the car.
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