Why is everyone recommending me places AFTER I've already ordered them lol.
I know Scott. He is yet to get me a price. But your right, Tech9 resell for Weds official Australian Reseller over in NSW, Stamford. who I also spoke with directly, who are also yyet to hear back from Weds with a price and timeframe. None of these places usually stock Weds in store, they aren't very common so it's usually back order. Besides that one at jap perf parts that someone on here mentioned they had. Turns out it was sold a while ago, and it was in bronze.
I've found that getting someone in Japan to walk into Weds store personally and order it is by far more easier, which I have done.
But cheers for all the help and tips along the way guys. I'll post up pics of course when I get them in October.