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Everything posted by NewKleer

  1. no! i said you need serial consult interface! the chips used in the usb interface dont have drivers for pocket pc. serial will be cheaper, see the link i posted up top of this page, $100 delivered for the serial version. if you get the usb version you will not be able to use it on your pda, only your laptop. if there is no way to connect serial device to your pda, then you can get a FTDI chipped usb-serial adaptor - it has drivers for pocket pc. so even if you are to use a usb connection to your pda, you still need the serial interface. if your PDA has a host usb port (can you, for example, plug in a usb keyboard/mouse etc?) then you can probably use a ftdi usb-serial converter. you can probably borrow a ftdi usb-serial converter i made to test it out (ill need it back though) if it works, then i can either make you one, or find a place for you to get one.
  2. you dont want usb for pda application...
  3. sorry, forgot to mention. best bet atm would be here: http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.p...dpost&p=2029107 i believe caz is on sau under same username...she'll probably be able to offer same deal to sau people (on the off chance she wont, cant be hard to sign up on ns.com, although it might make you feel dirty). you need a serial interface, not usb
  4. no u need the consult interface. car->consult interface->null modem->serial sync->pda. this is assuming ur pda supports serial sync you would need a seperate cig lighter adaptor for power
  5. which serial sync cable? is there an equiv one on expansys website?
  6. good to see it worked out well for you, thanks for the pic. what model pda do you have? im setting up a compatibility list of pdas and how theyre hooked up on the site (on front page) so if anyone gets it working could you let me know what you used/what pda you have. consult cable/diy consult kit is the same thing - an interface to convert the consult diagnostic plug signals to rs232 (serial) so it can be used by computers. the diy kit is something i set up a while ago which is no longer running (search threads created by me to find it). null modem is a serial adaptor that switches the transmit/receive lines around. this is because ur pda uses the serial capabilities to act as a "device" to your computer for syncing, but we want to use the pda as a "host" to the consult interface. serial sync = what people use to hook their pc's up to their computers before usb came along. if your pda is old enough then it will support serial sync. best way to find out is hop on google and see how people hook ur pda up to serial gps devices (sometimes referred to as gps mouse?) best null modem adaptor to get is this one: http://www.expansys.com.au/product.asp?code=3011213
  7. which thread? the linked one didnt seem to mention anything close to what i said on page 8
  8. if i was looking for one, id check out these: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/HP-Hewlett-Packard-...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com.au/HP-Jornada-548-Hand...1QQcmdZViewItem i found this site: http://www.pocketgpsworld.com/markincar.php appears that he's hooking up a serial gps receiver to his jornada 548 pda with null modem adaptor (http://www.expansys.com.au/product.asp?code=3011213). jornada 548 is pocket pc 2000, which actually supports .net compact framework (i thought it was only ppc 2002+). its possible there may be issues with it, i really cant say either way until someone with one says either way its still a gamble, especially if your getting it for this sole purpose, you might be able to pick up one of those for say 60-80$. btw, probably best to keep specific things/questions about my software in this thread: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=107201 (and more general stuff here. made the seperate thread so this one didnt get inundated)
  9. ill try keep them in mind. at some point i hope to have a submit bug/feature request on the site, and then i can categorise them as to which i think i can do and what priority etc. however i dont imagine ill have much time in the short term with uni going back, but if theres enough demand im sure ill be able to do something at some point
  10. if anyone successfully gets the pocket pc version working, if they could post their model and how they hooked it up? (eg serial sync + null modem, custom cable, etc) for sale forum on overclockers.com.au is best source for 2nd hand pocket pc's
  11. i think all the computers in the car that use consult operate on the same bus. if thats the case, then if you have time, see if u can measure resistance between those wires that didnt seem to affect anything when disconnected, between those and the wires in the consult plug - see if any are connected to each other (you might need a long wire to extend the reach of the multimeter). if they are then its possible to access it via consult
  12. i picked up my jornada 568 for $150 second hand. theyre on ebay but theyre a bit more than that. having only used that, i cant recommend any others - but it runs fine on mine, and probably would on something with half the specs of it eg these might be ok: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/HP-Hewlett-Packard-...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com.au/hp-jornada-540-ipaq...1QQcmdZViewItem good thing about the older pda's is they would more often come with a serial sync cable than the newer ones - so then all you need is the male-male null modem adaptor (assuming it works like my 568 does) as more people use it on their pda's hopefully i can get some feedback on which it works well with. you probably only need about <10mb ram and i think it takes less than 1mb of rom space (more if u use logging). all that will happen on a really slow cpu is that it just wont update as often. i should check out mine again and see how many times the gauges update themselves per second, as thats probably a good gauge of speed
  13. and here it is (last post): http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=107201 now back to work on the consult lcd
  14. Here it is. Most of the features are similar to the desktop edition. http://www.ecutalk.com/index.php?option=co...id=29&Itemid=45 Peter
  15. yes i think you need pics, i dont know if it sounds like your doing it right. to stop boost, you need pressure to get to the wastegate actuator. if the boost controller is screwed in too far then you wont be letting enough pressure from the compressor housing to get to the wastegate and open it
  16. working ok for me? if its a problem with your isp u can try this: http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www.cgi...www.ecutalk.com
  17. id fall asleep after 10 minutes if i did it in java. when you can get a second hand pocket pc for around $100, not much use trying to do it in java. a palm that old (with like 8mb ram/16mhz cpu) would struggle to run a hello world program
  18. http://www.ecutalk.com - downloads and screenshots here With the impending start of uni semester next week, I thought over the weekend Id try and release a pocket pc version of my consult software, ECUTalk. So far so good, what can be seen on the screenshots on the site is whats done so far (tested on the emulator, but should work on real thing) - hopefully by the end of the weekend ill have a version available for download. Will require the .NET Compact Framework (which i think can be obtained from here). As in the consult software discussion thread, there's currently only one piece of pocket pc consult software available, at the hefty price tag of $600, so my main motivation behind the ppc version is to bridge the gap a bit. Both ECUTalk versions will be available for free, but as per on the site, any donations would be appreciated. After the weekend ill be spending the majority of time on the consult lcd display project, so i dont anticipate id add any more functionality to either version until then (at least not time consuming things), but any suggestions/bugs etc id be interested to hear. Peter
  19. the ball/spring is stopping air getting to the wastegate, and hence stopping the wastegate opening, which increases boost. so the more u screw it in, the less boost the wastegate sees and the higher you can boost so unscrew it if you are getting too much boost
  20. changing to delayed email notification doesnt work - it doesnt email instantly on the first reply
  21. ill give delayed a shot and see what happens
  22. theres no option to allow u to only get one email then no more till you return. typically (in this past on this forum, and all other forums), "immediate" notification does this, ie only one email when first person replies, and no more till youve revisited the boards - however sau's immediate for the last few months has meant an email per reply, regardless of whether you've visited or not
  23. does this version still email once per reply to subscribed topic? (rather than once until you revisit the board?)
  24. the instructions supplied were quite simple: the boost controller has a screw/nut which pushes a ball in - the entry to where the air which pushes against the ball (the other end from the nut) is where the line from the compressor housing line goes. the line in the middle of the boost controller (closest to nut/screw) is where the air that is let past the ball/spring goes, and it should hook up to the wastegate actuator remembering how it works should make installation easy. as for any boost solenoids, i think most people have just disconnected them completely (i did on my r31) but you may want to check the last 10 pages of the thread, i think there was some notes about r33 installation
  25. planning to get a pocket pc version of ecu talk out by the end of the weekend, cause if i dont do it now then it might not be till the end of the year hopefully will have fault codes, gauges (and maybe bar graphs)
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