It's simple, i dont have photos but basically you have to:
Take off A Pillars (they are just held by clips), not sure if you have to take the panels off that are around the seat belt thing i think you might, in which case they are also held on by clips which just pull off. You have to take the plastic handles that are build into the panels off to get them off also (The panel that goes from the parcel shelf to the side windows). To take the seat belt dispenser thing off just flip the plastic cover up, get a socket setr and undo it and let it hang.
Once you have gotten all the panels off around it, you have to unscrew the sun visor things, there is 2 screws in both plastic mounts under little covers that you have to take off.
Then take your centre interior light out, just get a screw driver and take the plastic cover off, there will be screws inside, undo them, let it down gently and unplug the wiring in the back of it.
Then you have to take the rear view mirror off, once again there is 3 scres undernearth a plastic cover that you have to pry open with a screwdriver.
Last i think, if i havnt forgotten anything, you have to take the high mounted brake light off the top of the rear windscreen which if i remember correctly has a few screws holding it on to.
After that, there is 2 plastic latch kinda things of the left and the right side in the middle of the lining, just direct these around the things they latch onto when you are pulling it down and the whole thing will fall down in one piece and your done.
Dunno how much sense that all made but thats how i did it as i remember lol hope it helps.