It doesn't matter if the camera is only set up to measure one direction, other cars within the radar beam DO produce erroneous readings - as shown ACTUALLY HAPPENING in the first video on this page:
I just love how people are quick to say "don't speed and just pay the fine". I wish Australia was full of more people like that...NOT
Just shut up and pay your governemnt their revenue (even if you weren't actually speeding) is what (they) want you to do. This preserves their billion dollar tax rort on drivers.
Just google "Eastlink speed camera" and see how many HUNDREDS of people are complaining about deliberately doing well under the limit (because they know the camera is there) or setting their cruise control and STILL getting fines from that one camera. But hey "don't speed can pay the fine"
Interesting how people set their cruise control on Eastlink, driving past MANY speed cameras, but it's the Wellington Road one that fines them for that magical number 108Km/h when all the other cameras dont' issue a fine??
It's also interesting how the police state that around 50% of speeding fines on Eastlink come from that one camera on Wellington Road - yet that must be normal, and not suggest a problem with that particular camera??
But "Don't speed, and pay up"
Yea right