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Everything posted by -FIGJAM-

  1. 107 a pb?
  2. he has already brought all the nismo
  3. anyone looked into Neil Hill's Y3T training? from what I have read, for a pure bodybuilding workout it seems to cover all basis. He also has trained a few pros with its principles.
  4. its not an insecurity it being a misogynist pig!!!!
  5. Well then aren't you a smartie pants. Me? Never. I just like to know the competition that people face is all
  6. Pics of sister and bff in bikini? Had to be said. I have heard that glutamine can be good to help maintain strength whilst cutting
  7. Just in time for bikini season.... hopefully you dont loose to much strength whilst cutting
  8. Stretching helps. Accupuncture helped when i did my groin and i could barely walk. I have found since jumping on the bike before legs i have less issues. Also compression pants during oztag have made an amazing difference
  9. My gym is cheap, it doesn't offer much. There is a place near where I am moving to that does cheap pilaties im considering. On another note the mrs wants me to do boot camp with her in the morning. I'll do it with her to get her exercising. Hopefully it helps my cardio. Also hope that it doesn't suck
  10. have had to back off with leg training since i did my groin earlier this year. Specifically on my squats and straight leg. I find that I cannot get into a comfortable lifting position and during the movement the whole groin just gets tighter and tighter. I am mostly focusing on squats at the moment, going to focus on 10 sets at a reasonable weight, which is easy enough to do with good form, but heavy enough that it at least hurts. This along with less reps per set. My thinking is that if I spend more time warming up and stretching, then put less stress on the movements hopefully i'll start coming through the exercise with less issues after the gym. I will also get my confidence back on the lifts and hopefully help to fix the mobility issue. Also considering doing a class of yoga to help my flexibility.
  11. Well done miss leesh
  12. Big boy plates well done miss leesh
  13. I remember when I was first diagnosed, was a couple months after my brother passed, I was in negotiations for a fight at the end of the year with the biggest MMA promoter in Australia and then i got told. For awhile i was really angry and upset with the world, life kinda spiraled (looking back now I think sook), but then a friend of mine from the Army introduced me to the Navy diver who lost his arm and leg due to a shark attack in Sydney. He really put shit back into perspective for me which helped a lot. I realised after meeting with him that things could be a hell of a lot worse. For me I could have needed a complete heart transplant. Hard to say without knowing the extent of your injury. I tore the ligaments in a heros shoulder and arm at training one day, never heard from him again. One guy who knew him said he was in rehab for over 12 months. My little brother put a lock on my dads arm, it wasn't right for 6 months, and not the same for 4 years until dad got acupuncture done whilst on holidays. I think if it hurts you to throw a punch then a couple of the bjj locks could do some damage pretty fast in an actual bout. But in training, unless you come across a real arse hole, you should be fine. Most locks when put on are released as soon as you tap. All you want to do in training is feel the pain more then experience it. For beginners a good trainer gets you to put them on slow, especially the ones that can do real damage. An arm bar for example can break an arm however it takes a lot of pressure to do that, so its unlikely to happen in training.
  14. dont get me wrong it could all be worse. its just frustrating when you are progressing, setting goals doing well and then told to stop due to something that "could" be wrong, not something that is wrong. I even have to keep tools and stuff away from my chest because if they are magnetic in the slightest way it could impact the device. Very difficult as a tradesmen.
  15. yeah I miss it a lot. I boxed since i was 6, kickboxing from 12 and then mma when i turned 18. I tried to go and coach, got my qualifications but at the time i wasn't ready to step out of the ring. Found myself wanting to hit the students and just get in and go for it. Thing I love about that competition is its just you and the other guy. Your actions and in actions impact the result, you can always improve and constantly finding the person who is better then you are. such a humbling experience as well
  16. It paces 40% of my heart, but is there as a fail safe if my heart goes into a funny heart beat, the pace maker will then kick into over drive, if that fails i get shocked. They can do rewire, but I have to pay for it, or wait until i need to get the battery changed which is 5 years away apparently. What is the absolute most frustrating is that they don't know if I have the condition. I am border line on the diagnosis but due to family history they are taking precautions to ensure that I don't just drop dead. I understand this but its frustrating to think that there could be nothing wrong with me. In regards to living life, I can do that to a degree. Can do any adrenaline sport that doesnt worry me, ie skydiving, paint ball, swim, scuba dive, etc If something changes then we can evaluate. But due to the nature of the precaution there are things I have to be weary about. Apparently putting on size is one of them. I did however get told that I can go do cross fit (due to mum's recent diagnosis) which was previously a no no. So there is leway to live, i just have to be careful. As far as hobbies and sports go its tough. As I have previously mentioned I was a high level mixed martial artist, was getting close to fighting pro I just needed a couple more ammature bouts under my belt. I was selected to represent Australia in the world pancration tournament of which I had to cancel. I have had to give this up, something I was passionate about and quite skilled in. But such is life. The thing with the weights (especially when I go as heavy as I can) and martial arts was the stress relief I get from it. Have also been advised that I should not be on a motor bike due to the risk of fainting/passing out. But at this stage is left to me. For other sports and hobbies, I play oztag weekly and try to get out and play golf (of which I suck arse). I also have a marine fish tank and a few other things that I am involved in. Also its so hard for me to get a hobby in away from the gf because she is an attention seeker. Its just a frustrating process.
  17. well if my possible heart condition didn't want to annoy me any more i was wrong. have been mauling over the latest information provided by my early visit to the cardiologist on Wednesday and it is as follows......... stop putting on weight, you could put onto up to 10kg before more weight becomes an issue/dangerous to the wires in the ICD unit. In the last 6 months i have put on 8kg. any heavy upper body work is dangerous to the wires to the unit. This includes anything for chest and anything over head. He didn't provide a definition of heavy. I have in the past noticed occasionally the area around my ICD to be a bit sore and itchy after a big chest workout. basically stay the size that i am now and don't do much weight lifting also stay away from any full contact sport. all of this to be on the safe side because they aren't convinced that I have an actual heart condition.
  18. The chinese means kill me first after they invade
  19. can honestly say that i was not expecting that.
  20. Also grats on the PB
  21. Pics of ass?
  22. So close to that 60kg bench miss leesh so close
  23. Probably benching more than most bro curlers
  24. Wonder ian hasn't got involved here
  25. I enjoyed the few cross fit sessions that i did. Had to stop on the doctors orders. Is tough and suited me to the bone because I am stupid competitive but is the exact type of exercise that would apparently kill me sooo yeah.
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