my slang for gas may be different from yours...
aren't there some pills you can take to help further stabalise?
Maybe you should.
Funny thing about you to. Leesh is horny all the time, you have minimal libido. My relationship is the exact difference, she has no sex drive at all (literally) and I am still like a teenager
again pics or ban
Would that seriously work? I mean honestly?
I've done full bloods in the past when feeling down and tired and what not, no issues at all. They suggested more mental for me.
OTC test boosters are in my experience a waste. Only time I ever felt them doing anything was when I took 5 and 6 tablets at a time, even then I didnt feel any better or lift any better, was just angrier. Was good for MMA not so much for anything else. My cousin reckons the Bulk Nutrients one isnt bad in the powder form, but said it taste like arse.