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Everything posted by -FIGJAM-

  1. Squatting more than me. Keep up the work unit
  2. My cardo is oztag. Will get back into Muay Thai when i hit 85kgs to cut back some fat
  3. Haven't tried holding the squat position other than to push my knees out and stretch. Might give it ago. Did a few mobility exercises before the session pluss some light cardio to warm up. Sucks that flexibility has always been a weak point for me ever since i gave up the combat sports. Guess like a lot of things it will take time to perform again
  4. Squatted again last night. First time in months due to injury. Couple of things. 1. Could not get a comfortable position. Felt back pain, knee pain and groin pain. Didn't matter how i positioned myself 2. Knees were straining to pull inwards and buckle 3. Couldn't lift remotely heavy at all 4. No stamina in the sets either Wasn't much fun and was disappointed in myself but will have to pick myself up and wait for the next session
  5. probably how she scored Birds
  6. Nice curls for the girls
  7. good luck with that miss leesh
  8. plenty of people follow the no carb diet/movement and function fine. Cousin went all summer on no carb. Reckons he feels great after about the 3rd week of having no carbs. His body also seems to respond well with it (in his opinion) each person to their own.
  9. Will second this
  10. Sugar in some milks. Also apparently having issues with milk in general. I got bigger as well dont get me wrong but fat increased substantially. By the above logic you could hit your carb macro by drinking nothing but coke....
  11. fat content found in milk, insulin spikes at times when you don't want it, to name a few.
  12. i did the milk thing. I used to be skinny, now i am skinny fat. Wish i didn't do the milk thing and instead focused on actual food. I love it when bigger guys say to skinny guys "just eat more" then turn around and whinge about not being able to cut simply
  13. dont let my experience put you off Bulk. my cousin loves their products. The ones I had just didn't sit with me. When I get a free sample of their hydro whey i'll give it a go
  14. wasn't having a shot at u personally as a fyi, just a joke In regards to my stomach issue, have tried a few different brands and the shake i have now is a winner, same with their BCAA. Sure cost is more but dont have the same issues. Doctor said i probably have an issue with lactose and acidic type drinks which is why it happens. All I know is the hydro whey i have now causes me no grief at all, not even dry retching.
  15. Bulk Nutrients are legit why? Because they say they are? Didn't we try and get the protein tests done with no success and Birds pocketing all yall monies? I have nothing against Bulk and their business and I do purchase some of their products but end of the day no point in buying something if you're only going to spew it up afterwards like i have done with their protein, bcaa, pre workouts, dextrose in the past. Still a waste of cash for me. I've not tried their hydro whey which may sit well with me personally to comment. Finally as if taste and mix ability does not come into consideration when purchasing. You are lying to yourself if you think it doesn't. If it tasted like absolute arse you would go and spend some extra coin on it. You yourself have come on here and raved about how good one of their flavors is
  16. Dont forget your vitamins boz
  17. ON is meant to be high quality as well
  18. people still do drink raw eggs. i used to when i boxed. Old school gym advice
  19. ive been using Dymatize HydroWhey. more expensive but it sits in my stomach with no issue. Taste and mix ability is as good as any other that I have tried
  20. hahaha im more of a mule then a dog
  21. yeah see how the acupuncture goes this weekend. I have heard good things, would be nice to be able to walk normally again.
  22. Got to keep on keeping on. Some good news my way is that my groin pulled up better then i expected this morning. No pain at all but still a little stiff
  23. Did some legs today against the doctors orders. Only did real light weight and made sure i had correct form. Only exercise that gave me a lot of grief was squats. Have pulled up real tight. Will see how it is in the morning
  24. without getting to involved as I don't know your situation. Hope you get it all sorted soon and are taking the appropriate measures/steps to a better brighter future
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