Whatever happened to freedom of speech? i can go on TV and say that the PM is a dickhead and nothing will happen to me, however i say something about a company on a forum when im asked for my opinion and i get wanned or banned? Is there actually a law saying you cant tell your experience to a person or over the internet?
I understand where the owner/opperator of the forum is comming from, im guessing its less of a hassel, but seriously if someone gets ripped of by a well known dodgy car dealer on say Paramatta road, and there are other such incidents involving the same place, i think its safe to say tat one is not lieing.
I guess the point im making is that Australia is a free country and i seriously dont think that if they were going to sue it would go far.... Ninemsn asks for people's opinions all the time on things, even there opinions on people's careers...