Had a dexa scan yesterday. Results were as expected, skinny fat with not a great deal of muscle.
Will be interesting to see how I go in my next scan now that my training regime has become a bit more consistent
well known fact that creatine makes you retain more water.
its part of the reason as to how it helps the muscles grow and what not.
will you loose muscle going of creatine? no
will you gain muscle on creatine? a little not heaps. It wont make you huge, it will aid in recovery slightly and aid in development but that is about it.
ive been told for my weight and experience a 140/100/180 is competitive
currently i am well under all of those lifts. But am hoping to hit a 100/70/150
waiting for a while as i havent been training much so giving myself time to get into a bit more shape.
I am also the most competitive person you would meet, so going into a comp with no chance of doing well isnt for me.
hehe go Leesh stick it to the man.
decided im going to enter a powerlifting comp next year.
need to get my RMs up higher. Have been advised that to be competitive i need to go 140/100/180
major challenge for me will be the bench.
he didnt deserve to win, didnt have enough definition.
Heath had him in the arms, legs and abbs imo.
I actually rated Shawn Rhoden the most, but he wasnt big enough if that makes sense
possible heart condition that requires a defibrillator in my chest.
physically and mentally I am fine, served in the Reserves for a few years and missed my chance for deployment due to being an idiot.
but yeah, if some sort of EMP goes off my pace maker stops and i die.