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Everything posted by THR34T

  1. THR34T

    Spotted Thread

    saw around 7.30am a nice r32 gtr on burwood highway waiting to turn onto eastlink.
  2. i love you jack.. hahah
  3. all organised.. surprisingly the cheapest way to go is through an actual Nissan dealer to get it imported.. costing an arm and a leg.. and going to take 3-12 weeks to come in gayyyyyy
  4. cant even fkin drive CAR :@ cause it going to take minimum 3 weeks and up to 12 weeks just to get rear windscreen imported.. since no one in melbourne stocks or supplies them.. if anyone knows anyone around aus who does windscreens PM me please. this is just ridiculous
  5. yep was at Knox City...
  6. ya it will be done again sometime in the next month
  7. thanks for tht but thats the first one i AVOID haha. they are a rip off and i cant do anything about my rear windscreen till monday since nothing open because they dont have the type of rear windscreen i have only some of there suppliers do but there not open weekends.. one person told me to go to the wreckers and get one becuase 'theres heaps of r34's in the wreckers' i was like i dont think so.. ive looked all over vic and theres pretty much none. i even got quoted $180 bucks for a rear windscreen but that sure as hell isnt right.. lol *sigh*
  8. Yeah the east side is getting pretty bad aswell.. on friday my car and 4-5 other cars got absolutly destroyed and iwas parked outside timezone RIGHT infront of the security place and cameras but still got attacked along with other cars. i had my rear window completely smashed someone had jumped through it from roof and the whole roof is caved in along with keyed marks on the side of the car. damages on my car have totalled up to around 3-4k.. its ridilicuous
  9. Does anyone know a good windscreen company that can do R34 sedan rear windscreens as it has demisters and a rear wiper. i havent had much luck if anyone has any info please reply asap! thanks
  10. THR34T

    Spotted Thread

    spotted CAJFLY on my myspace page
  11. THR34T


    www.myspace.com/bezaboo add me and check it hahaha.. im reppin SAU on my page ;P
  12. THR34T

    Spotted Thread

    spotted a black r32 on mountain hwy around 1.30 was going oposite direction kinda both looked at each other
  13. THR34T

    R34 Owners...

    got any pictures?
  14. THR34T

    Spotted Thread

    spotted a White R33 with white rims (looked like 4door_gts' car but wasnt..) in the Ferntree gully maccas drive thru and infront of me in drive thru a black R32 with a massive NISMO sticker on the back.
  15. i bought a skyline nats shirt there and i still havent received it.... i was told to email someone and i did 2 times now and still no reply.. whats up with that anyone else order something and not get anything yet? cheers
  16. yeah im gonna check it out maybe
  17. THR34T

    Spotted Thread

    ROFL that was you? lol there was so many skylines there tonight. half the car park.. total 7 R33's and 4 R32's and only 1 R34 aha.. twas good we stayed till 7am till it closed now its time for an epic sleep haha
  18. THR34T

    Spotted Thread

    hahaha hey zorb its Bez who you ran into lol didnt quiest success the pickup aye hahaha yeah alot of SAU memebrs at Twister was random but fun.. woo for meeting you guys in the smoko area.. lol.
  19. THR34T

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted an R32 on burwood hwy at about 1.30-2am
  20. hey sorry had to leave early, was a bit sick.. lol
  21. THR34T

    Spotted Thread

    Went to pool room tonight.. drove in and i saw lots of skylines lol, about 4 R33's red/white/silver, a black 4-door 34 with a bodykit which looked really hot, another silver R34, and a Black R32 turbo who came in as i did had NISMO stickers all over it =P Burwood hwy at 1am saw in rear view mirror blue HIDS waited for it to go past and was a white r33 possibly that one who lives near ferntree gully maccas if your on SAU. =)
  22. The Mag warehouse is about 10 minute drive away from the krispy kremes located on the south gippsland highway. directions will be given on how to get there/maps for people who dont know.
  23. Hey Guys, Sorry for the late post but my mates who also have previously run those last meet ups at krispy kremes have decided this friday (15/8/08) if anyone has nothing planned would like some nice decent pictures taken of there car. ALL CARS ARE WELCOME! If you are interested we are meeting at the usual spot Krispy Kreme Narre Warren at 10.30pm then cruising down to the mag warehouse. This location was chosen by our photographer as we drove around Narre Warren and Dandenong looking for somewhere that police and other motorist will be at a minimal. We'll be setting up a lil BBQ and supplying free sausages. As mentioned before we do ask that because these photos are non profit we would appreciate a $5 donation if you would like pics of your car, this will help us on our next meet supply more free stuff to give to you guys. Final Prices for prints are as follows A0 poster size $40.00 A1 $20.00 B1 $26.00 A2 $12.00 A3 $3.50. A4 $2.50 A5 1.50 The company use Encad and Xerox digital printers and print on Kodak rapid dry 190 gsm and appropriate Xerox stocks for the smaller sizes These are awesomely cheap and the quality is good, for those who do turn up and get pics done they will be available on the webpage linked below. Thanks www. purepixel. com. au/fridaynightphotoshoot/
  24. THR34T

    Defected =/

    Burwood Highway. near ferntree guly maccas
  25. THR34T

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted a Silver R33t on mountain hwy who competly flew past me lol. dam turbo.. and just before a black/blue r32 with recangular foglights go past on mountain hwy.
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