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Everything posted by badman

  1. badman

    The New GT-R...!!!

    nuff said
  2. hahahahah well said mate LOL Brody: I never said that mate. I said he was an idiot for getting caught, and picking the wrong road to speed on.
  3. lol yeah could this guy have picked a worse road, seriously serves him right a fines a whole lot better than where this guy could possibly be right now... *splat*
  4. lawsuit? like you said, i ( and others ) have been burnt by them; therefore our gripes are legit - how can they sue the forum for something we said on someone else's forum, when its legit anyway?? :confused:
  5. LOL did you guys hear about this? what a moron... this guy was hoonin along Airds (spelling?) road in Minto at 176km/h in his old man's 200... in a SIXTY ZONE! Lol im not from around minto but they showed the road on the tv, it didnt exactly look like the most inconspicuous of streets.... more like a main road, lol its idiots like this guy (by idiot, i mean the ones who get caught by doing blatantly stupid things in the wrong places) that give the rest of us a bad name. trust me i know, the shit i get on the road for bein a P plater isnt worth it sometimes. (im not THAT much of an asshole behind the wheel, gimme a chance! lol) im sure plenty of ppl on here can relate but still, this guy is a deadset ****wit. what chance have u got of controlling yourself if a car bolts in front of you at that speed?
  6. badman

    The New GT-R...!!!

    rezz mate dont let him get to you. id put money on the V8 being a no show... im assuming you can read and understand japanese when i say S”z‚ð‚µ‚È‚¢‚æBƒXƒJƒCƒ‰ƒCƒ“‚ÌŽÊ^‚ð‘‚_Œ©‚¹‚Ä‚_‚ê‚é‚æIIŠF‚³‚ñ‚Í‘Ò‚Á‚Ä‚é ‚ñ‚¾B :) and if you cant.... hurry up and put the photos up! everyone is waiting!!! :)
  7. Yeah I hope you're reading this, Martin. magstore is ****ed. its a shame that such a great magazine and dvd series is being overshadowed by such poor service from magstore
  8. nah that would mean they might end up with decent customer service! and we cant have that...
  9. nopez HPI goes thru magstore www.hpi.com.au will simply redirect you to magstore its sucks did you know they dont even email you when the product (ie my DVD) has been shipped! talk about amateur...
  10. yeah im surprised at their lack of professionalism and PR abilities. Any business worth its salt would know they survive purely on the basis that people want to buy their product/service ... poor service leads to poor feedback, and bad word of mouth is the most destructive form of advertising out there. they say it takes something like $10,000 in advertising to gain a customer and only 10seconds to lose them, lol
  11. hey all, get this: i ordered a HPI dvd from the afore mentioned site, they said it would be SEVEN DAYS untill i receive it. two weeks later, ive received no phone calls or emails explaining the situation, and the customer service ppl dont even want to know about you btw this isnt fhe first time ive had a bad experience with magstore last year i ordered a gift magazine subscription for my mum for christmas, i didnt get the first issue until three months later, AFTER i had bothered to call them and get them to ***n fix the situation.. sounds like im havin a bitch? yeh well i am, and this should serve as a heads up to all of you out there... stick to the newsagency for buying mags
  12. could you have picked a worse track?
  13. each to their own mate. good luck with the lowering project its probably a good thing youre not scared of the cops and their defects! lol ....
  14. err whats up with 7am? ever thought that maybe its because theres a chance u might have been drinkin the night before and still have alcohol in your bloodstream? its very possible for that to happen...
  15. badman


    where is this speed camera ? south, north, east, west sydney etc
  16. omg fulllllly lowwerrrdddd bro lol 2GU UP, why do you want to drop it so hard? all it does is give you a shit ride quality and make the car that much harder to drive. honestly people arent all that impressed just because your car is scraping its gut across the pavement... why dont you pump some money into whats under the bonnet, not under the fully sick rimz
  17. lol your subtlety was well received the first time, morgs. its just tired now
  18. how do you have yours then? thru a lease?
  19. one day i will make it. ganbaruyo!
  20. young? i guess... although its not uncommon for people my age (with rich parents) to own skylines... thats not to say they know HOW to drive them... most of them just hoon around with a huge BOV and exhaust and everything else bone stock.. advanced driving... yeah my parents insurance (AAMI) gives me a free advanced driving course except u need to take your own car... nothing worth thrashing on a course around my house.. anyone wana donate a skyline?? haha! i wish!
  21. rezz : nihon ni ikutsumori no toki wa koukou o sotsugyo o shta ato desu. sou dekinakattara, daigaku ni haitte, daigaku no yon nenkan shta ato de, nihon ni ikitai.
  22. Thanks 4150 that was quite helpful.... well really im just looking for a way to break into japans work force without joining the military.. My plan is to get through uni studying Economics & Government International Relations & Japanese.. then work for Austrade (aussie government dept. that deals with all foreign trade matters) --- the dream is to be some sort of diplomat in japan, like Senior Trade Commissioner in Tokyo or something. btw im not the sort of person who makes up dreams and doesnt follow them through....
  23. dave mate thats EXACTLY the kind of story that i wanted to hear. There are always going to be the nay-sayers in this world, and especially for me i've found there's never a shortage of people who are willing to try and bring you down ("oh you wont earn much teaching english".... "oh it sounds too good to be true"... "bla bla bla"), but they're the bogans who are gona regret spending their entire lives in Australia while I'm overseas immersing myself in another culture Do you speak much Japanese Dave? I speak japanese quite proficiently.. when I went there in 2001 for 3 weeks I couldnt believe how quickly my (then) limited grasp of the language accelerated into conversational fluency. Also what organization do you work for? I'm hearing positive things about NOVA .. whats your opinion? cheers mate
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