Hey guys,
Description: Selling My SAFC2, had it in the car for around 6 months. great condition and in perfect working order
Reason: Upgrading to new ecu.
Location: Adelaide, willing to ship at buyer expense
Comments: had the car tuned to 230 rwkws and was great. now that ive had a few more upgrades i need a new ecu to get the most out of it.
Info: "The second-generation S-AFC is a fuel computer that adjusts fuel/air ratio by modifying the air-flow meter/MAP sensor signal. The S-AFC features a user-definable, eight-point, adjustable fuel curve that can be set in 500 RPM increments. The range of fuel adjustment is +/- 50% at each of the user-defined setting points. On hot-wire vehicles, the Deceleration Air Flow Correction function is capable of curing the erratic idle and stall problems associated with open-atmosphere blow-off valves on hot-wire air-flow meter systems. The S-AFC is capable of monitoring and replaying the following data channels in Numerical, Analog Meter and Graph displays: Intake Manifold Vacuum/Boost Pressure, Air Flow Capacity, Intake Manifold Pressure, Karmann Frequency, Engine RPM, Throttle Position, and Air Flow Correction %."
includes stand and long loom
Price: $250 + postage
if u have any questions pm me or sms on O4I3536936