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Everything posted by Nexus9

  1. It's not a secret dot, if you have Secret written next to it
  2. Like the dot Eug The link is kinda like a pRon Lava Lamp
  3. *Burp, fart & honk* Back at Strutto Evening Ladies :wavey:
  4. Gordo being the legend he is came and picked me up
  5. I will take a different non-descript (read Falcon) car I think. It is only a 5 minute drive away from work so I reckon I will risk it.
  6. Only till I go and pay the fine this afternoon sometime. The cops could have could have charged me for driving unlicenced if they wanted to, but let me off because I am so good looking
  7. I have to go to SPERS and pay the fine, but I can't get there because I can't drive My fault for not paying a bullshit fine in the first place I guess. I didn't realise they could suspend your licence now, so I conveniently forgot about it. Que Sera Sera
  8. Fine is from about a year ago, it was for having the wrong number plates on my car. When I got my personalised plates from DOT, they were meant to include a form that had to be filled out before you can put them on your car, guess who forgot to put the form with the plates? So me being none the wiser, put them on my car and drove around for 2-3 months before being pulled over and charged. So because of the incompetence of someone in DOT I get reamed, not once but twice now
  9. Well apparantly SPERS have the authority to suspend your licence without your knowledge for an unpaid traffic fine
  10. and page :Owned:
  11. Hey nice Avatar Eug
  12. I hate cops just got pulled over by QLD's finest and they made me walk back to work because of an unpaid $120.00 fine from ages ago that I had forgotten about. And I have about $600.00 cash on me too, so I could have paid them then and there. Meh oh well
  13. Same glass, different beer
  14. Really we need to lobby the government on this one. Australia produces 80% of it's own oil and as stated before has access to more oil than the OPEC countries. We do not need to be held to ransom by OPEC. Let them fight over there in their sandy little shit holes, and invest the money in producing oil for us and the rest of the world. The amount of money spent on the war in Iraq (which is really about a war over oil, lets not fool ourselves) could instead have been invested in to producing a new oil manufacturing production line. We also seem to forget that the GST tax rate of 10% does not seem to apply for Petrol as 51% of the selling price is taken by various taxes. Make your dissatisfaction known at the next elections. My Two Cents
  15. Same brothel, different hooker
  16. Same horse different jockey
  17. Don't mind me You can call me Nexus9 the Pedant
  18. Ummm I think you mean relegated
  19. Hello Boyz and Girlz (you decide which one you are, I am so confused after watching that Miriam show)
  20. Saw it and all I can say is that they were asking for trouble and trouble they got.
  21. yes nothing like a press "beat up" for a big "beat down" by the cops for the next few following weeks Meh
  22. Fourdoors up here in QLD also ran a high 12 on stock turbo and street tyres, no PFC iirc. He was the first I heard of doing it, and in a sedan as well, but mind you the boy can drive
  23. Mornin people :wavey:
  24. Or afternoon as the case may be, 1 minute later
  25. *blinks eyes, scratches nether regions* Morning :wavey:
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