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Everything posted by Nexus9

  1. Affirmative big daddy Just selectively cropping me out of a couple right now
  2. $90.00 shiiit that wouldn't even cover my petrol bill for the week
  3. Don't forget to get photos
  4. Does anybody know what these sideskirts are???/ http://www.home.gil.com.au/~waradsl/dorift...03-04%20014.jpg
  5. Shame Shame Shame
  6. That's because I haven't been home yet from last night.... stay tuned to this spot
  7. Hey Cyrus like the new Avatar
  8. Hahhhahaahhahaa Thats funny, where can I get some glasses lilke that???
  9. Haha you are in good form today Squizz :boobies2:
  10. crutches or crotches?
  11. Hahah thats funny
  12. bloody stoopid mexicans
  13. Okay guys I am off to spend some quality time with the current one, but I will be back with pics for you all checkya's later
  14. Cool do you want me to email them to you OR are you game enough to give me your login and password
  15. Hahahaha ummmm don't think so
  16. Don't worry it's all GOOD but won't be till late Anybody got some webspace to host the other pics? They aren't really suitable for these forums
  17. They usually meet at Milton Maccas afaik then head on down.... watch this spot
  18. I will post the mild pics of some old girlfriend's later tonight when all the young ones have gone to bed and if anyone wants to host I have some more risque ones for you guys heheh
  19. I don't know, that last chic is quite cute
  20. Zif you are going to bed but in case you are........ seeya Cyrus :wavey:
  21. Watch me break the sound barrier if it hails
  22. Also saw that they are reintroducing Compulsory Plates on learners and provisional licences like the do down south
  23. Just saw footage on the news re GoldCoast Nightclub closing hours.... saw all the Nightclub owners coming out of council chambers..... never seen a dodgier sleezier bunch of people in my life and that includes the time I went to the Las Vegas Adult Video awards a couple of years ago
  24. Nah maybe you should add "Team //essenger" to your sig dawg
  25. Hahhahhaaa nice one Glenn
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