Probably not a good idea, my boss is coming down from Brissy in about half an hour so I will be busy for the rest of the afternoon then,
but pred should still be here till about 2.30 -3.00 if you want to chat to him
I wouldn't have been too impressed if you did, nothing worse than getting a call from security at 2 in the morning and then having to get out of bed and drive to work :slap:
C.S pfffft
Probably only have a couple set up that will have games on them, I was going to set up more but it has been too busy..... what with training new staff and all
I will see if I have enough time on Saturday.
We sell Plasma screens and projectors occasionally and of course TV tuner cards but the true HTPC stuff not yet.
To tell you the truth hadn't thought about it much. Must admit that you are the only one who has ever asked me about HTPC items.
I could probably get it, if you can tell me the manufacturer and model number of the item/s you are after