I personally fight every single ticket I have received, my record so far is 8 wins three losses.
It is often the fact that the police officers DO rely on you not fighting the charge so they just give you a ticket without evidence.
I always carry a dictaphone which is recording what they say to me and it has saved my licence more times than not.
You do not have to inform the police officer that you are recording them, you do have to tell them that you are recording them if they ask you though, just as they have to tell you if they are recording you if you ask them. ( I always ask them if they are recording )
Don't argue, do not lie, ask questions politely and only answer questions you are 100% sure of, i.e "Do you know how fast you were going driver?" "I was only doing 60 in that 70 zone officer, if you have physical evidence of me doing any thing other than that please present said evidence".
You will need a lawyer unfortunately as the court is more likely to listen to you if you go to the trouble of getting a lawyer regardless of your innocence, no charge to you if you win.
If you lose you will get your original charge plus court costs plus lawyer fees.
Edit: Spelling