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Everything posted by Nexus9

  1. Congratulations JL I am hoping to do the same thing this time next year, but for now you have my unbridled envy
  2. Cool as Strutto
  3. Yeah I agree with Strutto, I like you too. Where did all this come from James? I can't remember any agro on the forums directed at you, nor have I heard anyone say anything bad about you. To me a QLD SAU cruise wouldn't be the same without you there.
  4. James if you are after parts give me a call, I will hook you up with a good price In fact I may think about doing discounts for all QLD SAU members (once the club is up and running)
  5. Oh No! gunna have to change jobs now Heheh!
  6. Nexus9

    QLD Gallery

    Thanks Squizz, You are my hero!!!! :inlove:
  7. Well luckily for me I have never taken my car anywhere as fast as you speed maniacs But in the event that I do, I may have to look at bonnet pins. Seriously though, that would be a very frightening thing to have happen. did it cause much damage?
  8. Nexus9

    QLD Gallery

    Cool, I take it your onto it then?
  9. Nexus9

    QLD Gallery

    Hey Squizz, Surely the mods would have access to the IP addresses of those who have been f*$king around with the gallery, if you do then I think you should ban them.
  10. Nexus9

    QLD Gallery

    Well that absolutely sux. I wish some people would grow up. Why do the idiots have to ruin everything in life for everyone else.
  11. Nexus9

    QLD Gallery

    Cool didn't even realise that was there DOH!?! Photos added
  12. :Oops: Thanks for the Birthday wishes Strutto Got a little blue card in the mail to pick up some registered post, so I assume that it is the photo Can't wait to see it. Will be posted after I get over my B'day celebrations, so expect it in about two-three weeks
  13. Hmmm may not be able to make it now because of this http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=29133 If it is all fixed I will be there, if not I won't
  14. Hey guys, Got rear ended on the way to work this morning (bloody rain) Doesn't look bad just a couple of paint marks on the rear bumper and no ding, we werent going very fast would have been 20KMPH at the most. I stopped at the lights and the car behind mine got hit hard by another car and he was then pushed into me. Now there doesn't seem to be any visual damage, but I noticed on the way to work that the back rear wheel is making a bad sqeaking noise and the car seems to run rough and is losing power so it may have damaged the exhaust system (Turbo back, so thats gunna cost them) Does anybody have any advice on where to take it to get looked at properly (instead of a once over at Pedders or somewhere dodgy like that) Should I just go to smash repair shop or should I be going somewhere like Gavin Woods? Opinions Please
  15. I'm in Slip. Bored as, at the moment so any cruise is good.
  16. Well that was all very interesting :Bang:
  17. Thanks for the support guys, I am not too worried about it. I reckon it is just one of those cop things, where they try to trick you in to admitting that you did it, then bammo, fine imposed. Chick cop on the phone said it is just a misdemeanour and not a criminal charge only about a $40.00 fine or so. But even so, I am not going to say anything till I see the photo. I reckon as long as I am not looking directly at the camera they can't prove that it was directed at them. Oh and Enrico it was in the "line"
  18. Yeah I am dying to see the photo too. Definitely will post it here once I receive it I am just gunna say that I was scraping a bug off the window with my middle finger :bahaha:
  19. Funny one here folks, I have a habit of driving past manned speed cameras with my middle finger extended ( childish I know, but hey that's me) Two days ago I received a call from the local constabulary saying that a Traffic Officer manning a camera has made a complaint about me and that he wants me to be charged with "Giving an Obscene Gesture to a Police Officer" After I got up off the floor from laughing, the officer said she was serious and they had a photo of me doing the finger to the speed camera, the cop was nice and she was laughing herself, she basically said that the whole thing is a waste of her time and resources, but because it was an official compaint she has to act on it. I guess I will have to wait until I see the photo, before I say I am guilty or not. (oh and I was not speeding, so don't know why they would have a photo in the first place) I just find the whole thing quite amusing!
  20. Excellent job then Might even give it ago myself ( if I can overcome my laziness)
  21. Very nice indeed :uh-huh: Where did you get the aluminium dash, been looking to change the interior of my car for a while to the carbon fibre look, but now that I have seen yours ( imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ) I might go the aluminium look. Very swish
  22. It's getting close now........ So who is going to pull out and let me have their place??????
  23. List updated guys 31/10/03. Keep em coming starting to get quite a list now.
  24. I think this statement...... " Ninety thousand Victorian motorists are now verging on losing their licences." will be the death Knell for the Bracks government. 90 000 pissed off voters! Not the best way to stay in government methinks!
  25. That's because you are a little freaky looking James :bahaha: :bahaha:
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