Sorry didn’t mean to offend you I have met you a couple of times and you seem like a really nice person and I don’t want to start a slanging match, but contrarily, if people are saying bad things about BoostCruising, then maybe some of the senior members should be looking “why” people are saying it, and taking measures to rectify it. As they say “where there is smoke there is fire”.
Unfortunately the “hangers on” may indeed be causing the problems, but if nothing is done by the senior members to teach the proper etiquette on a cruise, then they know no better.
I mean who wants to hear someone’s stereo playing over the UHF, blocking off all other communication? That is something easy to rectify.
Whether they are all “members” or “hangers on” is irrelevant, people gauge BoostCruising on their experience when cruising with them.
A lot of people are saying that there are problems now and I admit it was not always so, it used to be fun to go, but now the dynamics are changing and hiding your head in the sand is not going to change that. Soon the knob factor will reach critical mass and BoostCruising will be a yobbo’s club and nothing more
This is why *You* invite skylinesaustralia and no one ever attends.
But hell, I guess it is much easier to have a go at people for commenting on it, as opposed to doing something about it.
Oh and by the way, I always think before I say anything.
(this is not a dig at you personally or BoostCruising, just an observation is all)