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Everything posted by Nexus9

  1. Thankyou fellow councillor members for remembering my fondness for morning tea. I am indeed fortunate to blessed with genes that have allowed me to keep my figure from my days as a Super Model, regardless of how much I eat. In fact, for those of you who can remember, I still fit into the tiny string bikinis that I wore when I won Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Of The Year for those 5 years running. Which brings me to todays agenda.... Fellow Councillors our worst fears have come to fruition. It was always going to happen that the success of this inestimable council would attract the ire and jealousy of other organisations, as evidenced here.... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...postcount=61849 and here.... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...30&postcount=62 I am afraid the time has come for us to rectify our 5 year plan for World Domination into a much more proactive time scale. I call for us to increase Military Spending to counter these threats to our sovereignty and yes our god given right to rule. Councillor Ska has taken a proactive stance by organising a "Chilli Eatoff" night, in which "weapons of mass destruction" will be formulated over night in the attendees belly's and I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank him on our behalf. Whilst it is unfortunate that we must take this action, we are however left with no other alternative to pursue. This action is just and it is right. All that is left to discuss now is the positions that we must create in regards to our Military Forces and of course the appropriate remuneration for our time. Nominations for military positions will be heard at this time.
  2. Nexus9


    You call that normal? it is freaking me out :uhh:
  3. Nexus9


    I am teh Sex Bomb!!!
  4. Excellent, I too am off to the newsagent great work huys
  5. well it seems as we have voiced our displeasure over the identity theft and all we can do in the meantime is wait until we have a response of some sort. Failing that, let's get tough. The time for talking is over. Call it extreme if you like, but I propose we hit him hard and hit him fast with a major and I mean major leaflet campaign, and while he's reeling from that, we'd follow up with a lamington drive, a car boot sale, some street theatre and possibly even some benefit concerts. OK? Now, if that's not enough, I'm sorry, it's time for the T-shirts: "Identity Theft Out" ... "Avatar Stealing, No Thanks" ... and if that's not enough, well, I don't know what will be.
  6. Councillor Niz, I would class that as being overgenerous, but allowable, as it will give the subject a taste of the lifestyle in which he can be accustomed to after his period of indentureship.
  7. I can understand your need to sit next to me, as I am extremely hot. However the fact that you are an illegal immigrant can not be overlooked. The only resolve for this, is for you to serve a period of no less than two years as my personal indentured servant until such time as citizenship can be granted. For this activity you will be compensated with a pay rate not disimilar to that of the thirdworld country that you have come from.
  8. In furtherence to the identity theft matter, the pressure has started to be applied, but there has been no action as of yet from the respondent. This action requires more resolve from the council members and more support for our council bretheren. Register your displeasure here http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=63338
  9. Indeed, this is an outrageous attack on our council bretheran "Councillor Revhead" http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/me....php?userid=578 We as the SAU Borrough of Harrow serve you "cease and desist order" in regards to your use of Revhead's avatar. Whilst we understand that this may indeed be a coincidence, it can not be countenanced to further continue and it would be appreciated if you took action to rectify the situation posthaste. Councillor Hottie
  10. Councillor Niz brings up another point which had passed me by, which is that even though this payrise will pass today as was mandated by the people when they elected us to represent them, it does not take into account the monies that we have already spent in representing the electorate. I hereby propose an addendum that our duly mandated payrise should be subject to being backdated to 5 years before this date. I am sure the electorate will find this just and fair. All those in favour?
  11. Attention Councillor Revhead It has come to my attention that you may have become a victim of identity theft as per here.... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/me...php?userid=1965 As we all know the dangers inherrent in the use of the internet and the need to take care when giving out personal information, it does not however give someone the right to steal someones identity in the event such care has not been taken. I hereby propose that the council bring the full weight of our displeasure against this identiy thief. What say you councillors?
  12. Thankyou Councillor Dan for your kind comments. I entered into politics with a goal to serve the people and it would be negligent of me not to try to lower administration costs when ever possible. Whilst other local councils have been open to corruption and the feathering of ones nest, it has been refreshing to be involved with a group of like minded individuals who find this behaviour as abhorrent as I do. In recognition of our tireless efforts I would like to table a motion that a Payrise is in Order. Whilst this council has been extremely reticent in the past with it's payrises, an example of yesterday's payrise of only 375% as a case in point. I think the electorate is screaming out for us to be paid in-line with our peers in the Business world. With this in mind I propose a payrise to bring us into line with such peers as ... Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, Kerry Packer et al... is in order. I for one can not see how we can act as appropriate administrators unless this happens. In fact it would be negligent of us to not take this payrise, as we know the personal cost to ourselves far outweighs the remuneration for our services to the electorate at this point in time. We would be doing a disservice to our electorate if we could no longer afford to represent our constituants. All those in favour of a payrise to bring us in line with our peers in the business world ...say aye
  13. Excellent Councillor Dan, I therefore propose the council should bear the cost of making the "sacks" a financial member of the union. In furtherence of this I also propose that the council pays 100 years in advance all the membership fees to be accrued. To facillitate this transaction the payment should be made into Councillor Dan's personal offshore bank account, so as to make sure that the proper distribution of the payment can take place with minimum supervision which in turn will save the council money in administration fees. Never let it be said that todays Unions have lost their relevency to the modern workforce. In fact I also propose a by-law that enshrines the statement "Never let it be said that todays Unions have lost their relevency to the modern workforce" into law and failure to comply with this law will be enforceable with Heavy Sack Beatings by the Union. All those who say aye raise your hand.
  14. I put it to the hourable member of P51, that it may be in the best interests of the rate payers for her to drive around in the "white, air conditioned, turbo-charged council vehicle" at councils expense until such time as the committe for the reallocation of summer heat has found a suitable arangement for the redistribution of excess temperature in the electorate..
  15. Hear hear I will have a Chicken Vindaloo extra hot (like me *giggle*) a double helping of papadums and some Mountain Dew
  16. I feel your pain Sister Councillor Smooth I being a Hot Woman have also been the victim of the paparazzi taking photos of me in compromising positions in my private life outside of council chambers. What a Hot Woman decides to do in the privacy of her backyard, especially when it involves.... say.... animals, watersports, DVDA, unprotected group sex, cum swallowing, s & m, bondage, lesbian sex all at the same time....should stay in the backyard.
  17. Councllior Dan, Thankyou for your question regarding Union involvement regarding said proposal to take punitive action against the perpetrators of the absonding of our scones. The Greengrocers have always been a staunch supporter of unionisation and hope to continue our long and productive fraternisation in time to come. Saying that let me say this, whilst the Greengrocers have the wherewithal and resources to track down the perpetrators, we unfortunately are not in a position to exact retribution on the perpetrators. This is where I believe the involvement of the union can come in. We are all aware of the proficiency in which the union is capable of taking *ahem* punitive action and in acknowledgement of this the greengrocers are willing to supply the "sacks with door-knobs in" to the union free of charge. Would this be of interest to the Union, Coucillor Dan?
  18. KOTC ohh you *giggle*
  19. This indeed dire news Councillor Dan, yet not wholy unexpected. The wangateel in question, is yet another example of predatory nature exhibited by these morally reprehensible owners of naked pets and I would not at all be surprised if the wangateel who absconded with our scones has taken them directly back to the owner of itself. This is why we must no longer prevaricate on the deliberation of more punitive action against these doyans of moral decreptitude. As you know I have a controlling share in the Greengrocer Brotherhood and am willing to offer the services of the brotherhood in the tracking down of the said perpetrators. All that is asked in return for this inestimable service is a small large monetary recompense. I think that this will be a benefit to the constituants in general and whilst it may seem to the more suspicious detractors of our council that I stand to personally gain significantly from this arrangement, nothing could be further than the truth. The profits that may accrued by me will be channelled back into the local workforce, when I hire them to commence building of the extension to my already large country Manor.
  20. hear ye hear ye, good morning fellow members. I would like to table a motion in addendum to the aforementioned article to be enacted in thge council bylaw know as "animal nudity decency act 2005 - bylaw #53232-3AD, subsection 2, paragraph 5, sentence 6, word 3" On the way here today, I witnessed first hand three different species of animals, namely one cat, one dog and one ****ateel all proudly strutting naked in public. The fact that the owners of these pets have chosen to ignore the bylaw, nay openly flout the bylaw, means that some deliberation on a more punitive action needs to be considered. Also in addendum to the addendum I would also propose the changing of the name "****ateel" to something a little less provocative. As you all know, I am an extremly hot woman, so why must I and the female voters of this fine constituancy have our safety flouted by flagrant use of the word "****ateel" in public. This along with pets walking around in public without clothing flashing their genitalia to all to see, which however practical they may be are the work of satan, is a blight on our safety proposals and is in need of retification in a timely matter.
  21. I've said it before and I'll say it again.... I am teh Sex Bomb!!!!
  22. "plus I flipped the air cleaner over & put octane booster in the tank," which then allowed his stock 2 tonne police crusier to keep up with a 1100cc motorbike. yeah right
  23. cops are crap http://forums.officer.com/forums/showthrea...?threadid=25938
  24. try again Einstein Enemas Josh search now
  25. and I am using this to cover my GTR badge
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