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Everything posted by Nexus9

  1. I'm getting this one
  2. apparantly it is more effective as a suppository
  3. I see that happen at least 5 times every time I go to Willowbank
  4. hmmmm I just typed it in and there are heaps, of course they all just lead to the Anglican/Protestant websites, but they are there
  5. omfg is this true????
  6. well then how am I going to get ideas for smooth and my lesbian love tryst? I want to be the butch one and I can't be if I have to follow her lead
  7. I just typed lesbian into google and there was no pr0n wtf is the intraweb coming to????
  8. ahahhahha I have just been re-reading the days posts....so so funny
  9. http://www2.harrow.gov.uk/mgMemberIndex.asp
  10. yeah choose something else
  11. Hey you stole my pic
  12. oh well I am going home now to to beat the traffic too. Let the minutes show that "the hottie" has left the building
  13. whats wrong with the perm she has now???? rocks my boat.... I am so moist
  14. Ohhh Smooth you make me soooo hot how bout some dirty lesbian style sex with me??????
  15. I am teh Sex Bomb!!!!!!!
  16. In furtherence to the Greengrocer issue I have been offered a position on the Board of Directors in Company Chain of Greengrocers in another constituancy after my life in politics and a controlling share now. I therefore think it is in the ratepayers best interests to buy all our prepared vegetables of the banned variety from this chain of Greengrocers. I suggest this only to save the rate payers a costly and exhaustive search for appropriate vendors from another constituancy. In addendum if I actually lived in this constituancy, the rate payers would benefit from the arrangement with the return of rates paid by me into the council coffers.
  17. Hansard reopened. Now that we have come to the conclusion of the alleged allegation.... let us never speak of it again. Can I have a second to that motion
  18. I vote we stop Hansard recording at this point in time to discuss the alleged fund embezzling allegation. Councillor Predator have you forgotten our additional *off the books* council funded retirement fund? I believe the councillor in question was transferring funds into said account. Less said the better *taps nose*
  19. Protecting Greengrocers??? Please don't get me wrong, I mean I like "down a dirty, tie me up, watersport, nasty DVDA, sperm receptacle, bestial, unsafe group sex" as much as the next girl. However, I cannot countenance the spending of hard earned council funding on protecting these filth peddlers. If they want to profit on the misery of women then they should use those profits to hire security to protect themselves.
  20. I will second that, IF and only if, the banned vegetables are prepared in a constituancy outside our own and imported in at great expense to the rate payer. My, and the female voters of this constituancy safety, is of the utmost importance to me and I cannot in good conscience allow a society of predatory males wandering the streets fresh with the image of phallic vegetables in their mind. I, as an "extremely attractive woman" am constantly approached by lustful men and am fully aware that they do not need any further provocation by having these "lurid vegetables of the devil" waved in their faces day in day out.
  21. I will second it, IF it does not include any vegetables of the banned variety... i.e "including but not limited to"... carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, turnips, beets, parsnips, potatoes, radishes, corn, eggplants, rutabagas, sweet potato, kumara, yams, radicchio, okra, gourds etc etc
  22. Yes I second that motion, on the proviso that phallus shaped vegetables can be imported from another constituancy direct to a rate payers home in a Brown paper bag if a rate payer so requires. I as a "hot woman", understand that some of my less attractive female peers may not have the opportunity to form a "relationship" with men of your caliber and may have to resort to other means for gratification. And it would be negligent of me not to take that into account.
  23. I too have been mortified by the lack of morality displayed by these animals, so yes I whole heartedly second that motion
  24. Before we do that, I vote we give ourselves a 375% payrise anyone second that motion?
  25. thats what I look like when I wear my hair down, so it is not beyond the realms of possibility
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