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Everything posted by Nexus9

  1. $50.00 out of someone elses sale is good on top of your base. It helps if you don't look at it in the short term. Take a longer view of your commission and add everything over a monthly or quarterly period. It adds up to much more than you think. Especially if you are getting a half decent base. You have to ride out the less lucrative times with a view to the future, build and retain a client network, because you can use those people as a business reference when you have enough experience under your belt to start going for the big money jobs. Don't be discouraged, stick with it
  2. I have had a conversation with a cop about this......they don't have to tell you they are recording unless you ask and you don't have to tell them unless they ask.
  3. Yeah true..... it has taken me ten years to get to be a Corporate BDM. The last 2 and a half years of running Umart were driving me up the wall, but it was a means to an end and I am glad to be out of there. At least you are going in the right direction
  4. "Below the line" sales, like telemarketing and cold calling out of the phone book are crap.The only person who makes money out of that is the owner of the business. You need to be looking at things like Corporate Accounts Manager, Corporate Business Development Manager, Corporate Sales Manager...... all those are 60K to well over a 100K positions.
  5. More money in sales you know and if you become Corporate PR officer you have to sleep with the clients, I am sure there are plenty of C-level execs out there that would take a fancy to a 19 year old boy
  6. Ciao Paul :wavey:
  7. Obviously
  8. Well someone had to ask the obvious
  9. Is that the mine where Granny Smith Apples come from????
  10. Bloody sales people....they only care about the money
  11. One statement "easy revenue" their is nothing about road safety involved here
  12. I now have a new desktop background......mmmmmmm
  13. And this makes 3000 posts for me in "Qld Whoretown" :Party::band: Now who do I send the bill to???
  14. Yep it is 1902 268 069 call him ... call him now (calls charged at AUD $5.50 per minute)
  15. and those lights on top..... theyv'e gotta do some serious damage when you roll up the bonnet on to the roof........ definitely a defect is on the cards
  16. Yeah I reckon I would have switched on to something when I noticed the water going back about a 100 meters
  17. I'm eating Nutrigrain straight out of the box.....how cool is that?
  18. Looks like some kind of mailgnant growth to me. They should and go and get it checked out, before it's too late
  19. Heheh yep I will join the party then Look here are some pictures of other peoples kids that we don't know ..... awww this one is cute....... someone needs their nose wiped, but it is soo cute....... ETC..... ETC..... Oh I could go on for days like this
  20. Bloody Revenue Raising
  21. God ...... stop it with the children pictures PLEASE it's getting worse than "Google Image Search" in here
  22. :wavey: Yeah it's good being a bum Now if only the dole paid about $1000 dollars a week, you know what I would be doing with my life. Actually it could be substantially less than that.... maybe $500.00 a week, and there would be no working for this little black duck.
  23. *stretch yawn* Man I love getting up late Yep....... still got another week and a half of sleeping in and staying up late and drinking :headspin:
  24. Nexus9

    Track day vid

    Nice Vid Beau is getting some nice exits coming on th the straight, don't know if they would be helping his times much though.
  25. Nexus9

    Optimax Fuel

    Com'n now Erin, why do you think every one tries to pass you on cruises???
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