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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Got half way through the race. So far Romain has raced like a champion resisting Hamo. I am waiting for him to faulter. Hulk is doing a good job but it doesnt look like the guys behind him are much faster (Well at least Alonso doesnt appear quicker) and Kimi and Webber just lining him up. But...reason for the post...anyone seen Rish yet? I saw it in gold class last night and its worth a watch. Tells the story semi close to what I understand it....but still very Hollywood with inability to film a farking car with a steady farking camera!
  2. So Hulk didn't throw the car away or do something a bit keen? Good on gim for the last few races. Really pulling together gopd weekends. Its only his 3rd season...but 3rd different team so has had some learning to do.
  3. Brawn was talked of Williams a few weeks back...good chance to almost run his own shop....so much talk suggests Mercedes osnt a place he will be hanging around for too long. Have not watched the race yet. Romain appears to have had a good weekend! Another race where Kimi had to have the team behind him in order to beat him?
  4. OOh shit. Forgot about Webz' 10 spot penalty...just as I was looking at the odds and about to roll cash in on a win
  5. Yeh, i think IF they are doing it then it will be in the way that they are harvesting or how the KERS motor may be being used to dull the torque and work as a damper. I suppose they could turn the mapping down a load and use a soft torque setting ont eh KERS to pump out 80hp....but think its more to do with the harvesting as you woudl be needing to chase a HUGE amoutn of traction advantage to give away the 780hp burst for 6 seconds.
  6. Webz abd Romain are paying $6.50 for a place this weekend. Webz at $34 and Romain $41 a win, Think i might have a flutter this weekend
  7. If you read the other parts of the article he was talkign that the noise was like the blown diffuser sounding...and some of the chat isnt about RBR cheating but having found a way to get the car to hook up out of the 130km/h and under corners. The fact that Webber was nowhere suggests he didnt have it....or was not able to exploit it. More than assuming they are cheating it will be interesting in the next few races to see if they have found another innovation to account for their crazy speed which if KERS related is only going to help them next year when it is even more powerful. I read the FIA regs the other night and they are pretty open about how you use KERS and its control system. Need to use control instruments for monitoring but not how they operate
  8. So interesting discussion about Vettel and his performance at Singapore. Minardi has commented that theere was something audibly different in Vettels exhaust notes and some backroom discussions that the noise was only able to be heard when he had the hammer down building a gap. From there his amazing traction out of a certain part of the track suggests he was using traction control. Now with the McLaren control ECU that is 99.999% impossible , but gives rise to how a team runs its KERS system and how it is perhaps able to drive the KERS motor off the gearbox to tone down the torque on slow corner exits or driving it relative to road speed.
  9. Hard pipe kit is sold About the only thing left is the TD06-25G
  10. R32_Bigboy was up there and his article has now been posted on Speedhunters http://www.speedhunters.com/2013/09/muscle-car-masters-australian-historic-racing/
  11. I have decided I am going to be one eyed on this! Plus, they can say what they want...the fact the FIA have come out this week and said drivers are not allowed to do it anymore tells you the tone of their concerns, irrespective of it being done off in tehy kitty litter or in the middle of the road. Thinking back did Alonso get a fine for collecting the Spanish flag a few years ago after winning in Spain?
  12. Was good enough for Derek Warwick to catch a ride back to the pits on a Ferrari. Seems the dangerous practice of walking onto a circuit etc is a 2013 thing for his as a driving standards steward (or whatever title he had on the weekend) [
  13. Or how about waving flags at cars on their slowdown lap and waving cars into the paddock entry and in doing so takes out the car that finished 3rd who was on his way to the pit straight for the podium ceremony! it was a debacle...but it happened.
  14. Well, I will start passing the hat around now to cover the fines Webber is going to be handed at the end of the season when he drops some helis/burnouts in Brazil. It will happen. I get the rules and what happened. I just find it a bit silly that it is a ten spot penalty for the next GP! And yes I udnerstand its because its his 3rd reprimand. I just went back and looked at the Bahrain clash with Rosberg and its a bit silly that Webebr chopping off Rosbergs nose after he awkwardly placed it up the inside into a disappearing gap and earnt Webber a 10 spot penalty. Anyway... this is as silly as the fine that Hamo got back at Silverstone a few years ago hecause he dropped a donut or Alonso's fine in Spain the other year when he won! Also seems the booing of Vettel is here to stay. I would rather it didnt happen but ultimately dont really have a problem with it. Commentators seemingly agree its part his dominance, part his perceived status at RBR but mostly what happened in Malaysia. I guess Karma is a b&$ch!
  15. If you are going custom setup then buy the custom bits to suit your car. For me that means stay with std master. Different sized masters come with different springs in them which chage the front - rear bias or the knee point in which they pressurise the front to rear braking circuits. Often not a big deal but something to be careful of as I know a friends braking problems were associated with this issue. Slap the largest rotor that will fit inside your wheel....sounds like you are running a 17" wheel so 332 x 32mm is a safe size. leave your rears alone and just find a front caliper in teh Willwood catalague with piston sizes around the 38/34mm size. I stil think if you have a 1500kgs 4 dr with grunt and grip the 325mm rotor will struggle in which case just go and grab soem used R33 GTR calipers and 324mm rotors and see how they do. Far cheaper than going custom
  16. Stop being weak and go the big boys. My Alcons look the same to the eye as the Advantage Extreme that you are running but they take a bigger rotor in 380 x 35.5. That is about the smallest diameter you should run and they take up to 410mm! But the real benefit is the extra 3-4mm in width and vane size. IF braking is borderline than you have a rather epicly powerful and probably heavy car and 5mm rotor diam will make stuff all difference. Not unless that diam increase also means a change from 48 vane rotorss to 72 vane for instance
  17. There is two parts to that. A) It is a non event. He unwound some lock to go around Alonso. I dont call that a swerve! BUT, the second Part B) Was that it did have the potential to be far more dangerous than it was. If Lewis was checking steering wheel...looking in the crowd for a lad boy etc then it coul dhave been comical like the GP2 stuff up
  18. So pottering around at 60km/h is a problem? It wasnt pretty but hardly dangerous! If either Merc had to swerve to avoid then fair enoguh but the fact they took a long arc around the Fezz suggests they saw it with plenty of time. Webbers other two offences are were I think the Canada yellow flags where I recall Button and others all got done and the clash with Rosberg at I cant reember which GP. From memory it was a BS clash and warning...but seems to have added up to bite him the ass. Three trumped up BS issues have now cost him any chance of a strong Korean GP. And dont get me started on safety. If you saw the cluster fark cauised by officials in GP2 then you woudl understand why I think this is a bit of a joke
  19. That is a farking joke!!!!!!!!!
  20. Romain & Webz both unlucky
  21. What sort of dyno is that and what dispacement engine? Is it an auto or manual? Seems a rather odd-amazing result.
  22. Come on Romain!
  23. Any more news? I am over the old school monster compressor turbo on my Cossie and looking at a 7064 for it. Being a 2L 4 cylinder your results on an SR are a good indication of what I can expect
  24. Well if you think your sizinf is correct it will be interesting to see how it all goes then. I think no matter what caliper you do if you are looking at crunching out good times and your 4dr is AWD I think 325mm rotors wont last much longrer than std, irrespective of the caliper and ducting/pads etc you use
  25. Are you sure its 2'? That will kill gas velocity and make it a biot of a dog...or so I would have assumed?
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