Mark Webber's Williams years provided a favourite anecdote about him, which says a lot about his determination, sense of justice and humour.
Like all top Aussie sportsmen, Webber is not immune to a few psychological games to boost his chances. And it was he who invented the nickname "Britney" - as in popstar Spears - for his young, blond and good-looking 2006 Williams team-mate Nico Rosberg, then in his first season.
Their final race together was in Brazil, where Rosberg rammed into the back of his team-mate's car on the opening lap, breaking the front nose of the German's car and Webber's rear wing.
Because it's relatively quick to replace a front wing replacement but a damaged rear means a likely retirement, the two were given a "priority Rosberg" message over the radio as they headed back to the pits.
Webber, cross at his team-mate's mistake, was determined to get back first and they began to race - really race - despite Rosberg suffering from lack of front grip and Webber struggling with the rear.
As they came on to the pit straight, Rosberg was just ahead, only to lose control through the flat-out kink before the pits and crash heavily into a concrete barrier.
Webber was right behind him and, as he passed the incident, the team came back on the radio with another "priority Rosberg" message. Webber paused for effect before replying in a languid Aussie drawl: "Britney's in the wall."