I have a gym at home. I bought it like four years ago. Power rack, adjustable bench, adjustable dumbells and barbell + about 150kg worth of rubber coated weight. Cost me $900 inc postage at the time. I use it quite a bit, I actually get really good work outs done on it because I can grunt, swear, blast my choice of music, hell, I can squat naked if I get too hot, but I prefer the gym I go to because it is bigger, the equipment is FAR better, I often go with a buddy and if I workout at home its too easy to stop half way through a workout.
As for the food thing, I thought a lot about it last night and decided its whats really holding me back. From now on I'm going to focus on eating everything, and gym will just be a suppliment. Last night I went and bought two dozen eggs (half of which I plan to hard boil), 2 loaves of bread, 6L of milk, a kilo of mince and a ton of pasta. It was all dirt cheap too with Coles' new pricing. I'm going to try and eat till I feel sick, then eat some more.
Also trying the late night gym thing, gonna head in at 7pm tonight so I'll post an update then of my lifts.