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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. I have no idea what you're talking about...
  2. Nothing wrong with it being entirely online. It's just the way the world is now. I actually like the sound of the auction house too, it's not forcing you to use it all and if you play enough I reckon you pretty easily make your money back.
  3. I'll probably oraganise a convoy up on the Friday night if anyones interested simply because there's like 11 of us in our group going up together.
  4. From memory long wang anything under 55sec is pretty good. Best drivers on mini wang get under 25sec.
  5. If you do spray it, spray it a matte black or something so it isn't easily visible. I highly doubt a cop would notice it, let alone ping you for it.
  6. I thought Autech GTRs were NA. Get a Chaser IMO.
  7. Bec sorry to stuff you around again. Jett is now bringing his girlfriend too so she'll need a place to stay. So all ups its: Brad + Tayler Kieran Josh Jett + Meg Either two rooms of 3 or I reckon we just make them share a single in the family room. Cheers.
  8. Alright, Jett's bringing his girlfriend Meg to help out. Poor girl doesn't know what she's in for, all his told her they're going away for the weekend. Brad is also bringing his girlfriend Tayler so chuck them together on the mini wang timer/finisher. Cheers.
  9. 18. Megan Van Steensel - VXR Astra 19. Shane Janssen - R33 GTR I demand a battle!
  10. I've been convinced by my mates to sign up to DECA in the Supra one last time. Pretty sure I've got a friend coming with me so I'll definitely put him down to help out once I can confirm. As always I'll be around in the arvo to help out. Cheers.
  11. Hey Bec, Can I please get two rooms (or a room for five if possible) for myself, Brad, Tayler, Josh and Jett please? Brad and Tayler can share a bed. Thanks.
  12. Yeah it's not so much the equipment (although I'd probably upgrade the rack if I ever started lifting serious weights) but the environment. It's out the back in our garage we've converted into a workshop like space. It's cold (or stinking hot in Summer), spider infested and there's shit everywhere. Plus it floods occasionally so its very musty out there. But I agree, for the routine I'm doing which doesn't require fancy gear its great. In fact I've seen photos of people's home made gyms which literally involve big wooden frame. Just been the bar and some weight which shoudn't be more than $200.
  13. I don't get it, you have 3rd party, fire and THEFT, and you want to change to full comp because of all the Skyline's being stolen?
  14. Squat 40 x 8/8/5 - I really pushed myself to beat my last session, but legs were still quite sore from Wednesday. Bench 42.5 x 8/8/4 Bent over row 40 x 8/8/8 SLDL tried for 70kg but my hand hurt like hell gripping that much weight so I didn't bother. Military Press 20 x 8/7/1 I'll start doing pull ups once my hand heals.
  15. I have a gym at home. I bought it like four years ago. Power rack, adjustable bench, adjustable dumbells and barbell + about 150kg worth of rubber coated weight. Cost me $900 inc postage at the time. I use it quite a bit, I actually get really good work outs done on it because I can grunt, swear, blast my choice of music, hell, I can squat naked if I get too hot, but I prefer the gym I go to because it is bigger, the equipment is FAR better, I often go with a buddy and if I workout at home its too easy to stop half way through a workout. As for the food thing, I thought a lot about it last night and decided its whats really holding me back. From now on I'm going to focus on eating everything, and gym will just be a suppliment. Last night I went and bought two dozen eggs (half of which I plan to hard boil), 2 loaves of bread, 6L of milk, a kilo of mince and a ton of pasta. It was all dirt cheap too with Coles' new pricing. I'm going to try and eat till I feel sick, then eat some more. Also trying the late night gym thing, gonna head in at 7pm tonight so I'll post an update then of my lifts.
  16. I'll be the skidpan finisher in the morning. If you need anyone in the arvo I'll be around to help, but I'll also be trying to poach rides in various cars.
  17. Quick update (I can't turn this stupid bold off) Full Squat 40kg 10/10/6 Bench 40kg 8/8/7 Bent Over Rows 30kg 8/8/8 Stiff Leg Deadlifts 30kg 8/8/8 The above two lifts I did very light as my hand is still sore and I couldn't grip and pull the wieghts too well. Overhead Press 20kg 8/8/8 Bicep Curls - didn't bother. Wasn't the best day, not just because of my hand. I was pretty tired before I got there and didn't eat much for breakfast. Going to try and post more reguarly so I can better gauge my progress.
  18. Trying to convince a friend to do this to the hood of his white Evo 8. Cheaper than a genuine CF hood, as cheap as paint, and reversable. I reckon I'd suit his the car with all the stock CF parts (wing, vortex generator and his black rims).
  19. I'm definitely at this one. Just gotta work out how many +'s. Won't be driving, but I'll happily volunteer.
  20. Lifts were coming along well until I lost my temper when my computer crashed for the 3rd time in a row and I punched the screen. Stupid I know, I was having a rough night. Screen is f**ked and worse my right hand is swollen to the point it hurts to grip a 2L milk let along any weight. Hoping it'll be good by Monday. Also, does anyone know a good free (or very cheap) iPhone app good for recording lifts? I have no way of currently recording my lifts at the gym, short of taking in a pen and paper.
  21. I'd take the 3 month option. I'm a pretty cautious driver and try to obey the limits, but occasionally I'll drift a couple of k's over and that's all it takes to get flashed. I've literally had like 3 spending fines in the last couple of years all 3-4ks over the limit.
  22. Exactly. warmup to 3 sets of 5 reps - one down set of 10 reps If you're doing 3 sets of 5 reps, its going be bloody heavy weights. All its saying is warm up to those weights. Do 5 x 50%, then 5 x 75%, then do your three working sets, and cool down with a light set of 10 reps.
  23. Get it professionally done if possible. Yellow is one of the hardest colours to match, especially since they removed lead from paints.
  24. Is that a ciggarette lighter torch?!? Best idea ever.
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