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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. Honestly at my small size I'm really not concerned about bigger biceps than triceps, ANY size is good size, even some fat. If it becomes an issue in the future I'll deal with it then. Also my triceps won't be undeveleoped comparitively to my chest and shoulders, in fact they'll be more in proportion than most who do isolation exercises. If my triceps become the weakest part of my bench press, then they're the muscles that are going to be stressed the most and forced to grow the most. If it makes people feel any better I am considering switching BB curls for pull ups simply because I feel this routine lacks lat stimulation and I'd like big lats
  2. My understanding was FWD was only better for underpowered cars where weight and (a lack of) torque steer was highly important. That's why all the lowest class cars on any racing game are FWD.
  3. Nice! That's pretty awesome discount.
  4. I agree. I've got mate who calls me weak when I walk out of the gym after doing a hard, heavy 40-45min full body workout. I feel like I'm going to spew, my legs shake when I walk down stairs, etc and he leaves the gym 3 hours later feeling "energized". But then again, I'm the skinny guy who struggles to gain weight and he's a natural mesomorph so why would he listen to me?
  5. Some good four day splits if you're interested: http://org.ntnu.no/styrke/program/cc.htm http://www.wannabebig.com/training/bodybuilding/baby-got-back/
  6. Laziness/ease thing for me. I don't know the exact weight of the bar (closer to 8kg I think than 10kg), but I know it'll never change, plus its one less addition to think about (I record every set as soon as I complete it).
  7. Okay so yesterday's workout: Squat: 22.25 x 10/10/10 Bench: 20 x 8/8/8 Row: 25 x 8/8/8 SLD: 55 x 8/8/8 Overhead Press: 15 x 8/8/8 Curl: 12.5 x 8/8/8 All weights are in kilos, and I don't add the bar weigh (+~10kg). Overhead press and BB curl however I use the pre-set up bars which I assume acount for the bar's weight. Just starting light and will increase my weight each session till I reach failure. Should I max out before completing the number of reps, I'll repeat that same weight the next session with the goal of getting at least one more rep out.
  8. Bicep curls are purely to develop elbow health which is apparently needed to safely lift the kind of weighs this program will rapidly lead you towards. Slight update, I only got one chance to go to the gym last week and it was pretty pathetic (I'm so damn unfit, let alone weak) so I won't bother posting up the results. I'll post tomorrow's though.
  9. Read a few of these build threads on other forums but have never tried to do one myself, but since I know a few people on this forum and see them from time to time in person I figure I may as well give it a crack. Guess I'll start with the basics: Age: 26 Height: 183cm Weight: ~63kg Short term goal: Hit 75kg. Long term goal: Reach 80-85 with low body fat %. As you can tell I'm a fairly skinny bastard. I've actually gained and maintained about 5kg since I first started going to gym, so I'm usually even skinnier. My biggest problem is self discipline, I'll go into the gym 3-4 times a week, see pretty good results and then after a month or so I'll stop going for whatever reason, usually sickness, exams or maybe a batch of assignments rock up. Basically, if I miss a week I lose all motivation and stop going. Routine: I'll be doing the PTC Begineer's routine for at least 3 months, then see how I'm going there. For those that don't know the routine looks like this: Full Squat 10x3 Bench 8x3 Bent Over Rows 8x3 Stiff Leg Deadlifts 8x3 Overhead Press 8x3 Bicep Curls 8x3 This is done three times per week, with a day of rest between each session. More info can be found here: http://ausbb.com/strength-training-power-lifting/9460-beginners-program.html Supps and Diet: Diet is one of my biggest weaknesses. I can be quite a fussy eater, and I don't eat much. I generally eat quite well (no junk, sugar etc), but I find it hard to force feed myself especially when I'm not hungry. When lifting I tend to eat a lot of pasta, rice, etc. I'll often make a huge batch of pasta with mince and sauce, eat that for dinner and put the rest into bowls in the fridge which I'll eat constantly over the next day or so. I also try to drink like 2Ls of full cream milk a day. I also have like... 10kg of weight gain powder sitting in my room. The stuff is pretty cheap and tastes alright. They have a ratio of like 5:1 complex carbs to protein. I also have some creatine sitting around, I figure I may as well use as it has no major drawbacks and pretty good benefits. Feel free to criticise my plan, I'd appreciate any feedback. I plan on starting this afternoon so wish me luck. P.S. Ignore the hour that I'm posting this, I work nights and this is a normal hour for me. I still get 8 hours.
  10. So what happened here? http://www.liveleak....2&jwp_version=4
  11. I'll ask him and see if he can take some. Although it's just an ordinary clean interior and engine bay.
  12. I will probably be at this. Anyone else coming?
  13. I fixed it, kinda. Just swapped monitors with our other computer and it fixed itself. No idea was wrong though.
  14. I was playing Dungeon Keeper 2 with a friend (he insisted it was a good game) when it crashed on me randomly. However when it exited the game my screen was far too large for the monitor. I could literally put the mouse to the edges and scroll around. I tried fixing it by trying different resolutions, I tried playing with the resolutions under the Nvidia control panel. Nothing works. If its on 800x600 it doesn't scroll, but then an icon nearly take up the whole screen. I've googled for like 30min trying everything they suggest and still can't get it working. Would appreciate any help. Cheers.
  15. KezR33

    Hoon Laws

    This is the point I was trying to make before. As angry as you all are about the laws (which the cops didn't create) this has all come about because we, the car enthusiast community, have ALL been painted as hoons. To think of them and treat them the same way they think of us, does nothing but hurt us and makes you a hypocrite. I know there are bad cops out there, hell, I've dealt with one of the worst and ended up with criminal record for just spinning the wheels, but I still don't hate the police force, and I still give the individual a chance before I judge them.
  16. Just to get this straight. How much am I looking at spending to get a regular BA Falcon into safe, reliable towing condition? I'll need: A heavy duty tow bar (how common are these on Falcons, can I find them easily or am I better finding a good BA and attaching one?) Transmission cooler. Rear springs. Decent pads. ~$500 I'm guessing the first two are required, whereas the last two are more for safety and peace of mind. Any idea how much these items would cost? Cheers.
  17. Only thing I still enjoy on Black Ops is gun game. Intense and addictive!
  18. KezR33

    Hoon Laws

    Don't hate the cops. Hate the idiots who give us a bad name - there is a reason we're targetted.
  19. I was thinking the 6990 + i7 2600k. All seems mighty expensive though. My friend reckons the i7 will become cheaper once the newest generation comes out later this year.
  20. HoN is only farked due to the ddos
  21. Just curious, how much does a tow car cost to hire? If I get right into the track I'll eventually buy my own, but I'll probably hire the first year at least. Also, has anyone used tow trucks before? I remember some guy turned up to Winton with his car on a small truck. Was so neat and simple. I'm guessing you'd need a special license, and would cost significantly more to hire.
  22. lol alright I'll think about it. I won't be buying till a new game comes out that I want which my current PC can't handle (which is pretty much anything new), but I'll PM you then. Cheers.
  23. lol if you want to. I wanted to at least try and do it myself in hopes I might learn something but computers are more confusing than cars!
  24. Thanks for all the info guys. Getting a little lost and overwhelmed on what I should be buying. I pretty much want to run Battlefield 3, Diablo 3 and Skyrim all at high settings, with the ability to upgrade my PC in the future, and run any games that come out in the near future, even if that means playing them on lower settings. Could I build a gaming tower capable of that for $1,500-2000? I've tried reading some articles but I get lost even doing that because most assume you already have a pretty good understanding of how a PC runs. Thanks again.
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