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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. Hey guys, I've been looking to sell my Supra and buying a daily capable of towing and a track car. I've been looking at BA Falcons (6cylinder) and I'm probably getting an R32/180sx. After reading this thread I'm having second thoughts about the Falcons ability to tow. I claims it can tow 2300kg, but I'm guessing it'll weigh quite a bit less than a trailer + 180 (or worse R32). I'm hoping to get a wagon, so I can easily load all the spare tyres, tools, etc into the car. I'd be hoping to get out 4-8 times per year, and each trip would likely be at least 3hours as I live near nothing. Would you do it, or am I better off saving and waiting till I can afford something a bit bigger - or just buying a nice daily to occasionally track (as I've done with the Supra). When driving cauiously (leaving a large space between cars, driving late at night/early morning to traffic, driving slower if need be etc), what dangers do I still need to look out for? I think I understand how towing a heavier weight behind me could be hazarous, but I don't know. My education about towing pretty much consists of watching Fast Five and we all know how easily they can tow a vault around! Cheers.
  2. Just wondering, but does anyone know what happened to Sanjay? Did he just drive home in the end? Did he make it?
  3. Hey guys, Just wondering if some of you could point me towards some of the better online businesses I can buy parts from to build my own PC, or even let them build it, if they can do it cheap. I used to know a few but simple cant remember them and google keeps sending me to crap. Cheers.
  4. Excuse my ignorance, but how do racing shoes affect your driving? I'm sure at the very top, top tier of racing the weight and flame/heat resistant material becomes important, but I can't think of any other benefit specifically tailored shoes would provide.
  5. Nah Roman wasn't going for times, he never does. Nevertheless his driving was still very impressive. 180's just seem like an extremely fun car to drive, more than capable of been driven seriously or stupidly.
  6. I got 21st, not 28th! I managed like 170+ points on the morning skidpan, then only got like 40 for all my wang runs combined lol. Like I said, I just need to grow some balls and get push myself a little more.
  7. Massive thanks to Leon, Bec and Ryan (wait, so as not to create further confusion) Ryan, Leon and Bec for organising everything. Big thanks to all the volunteers who stood out in the freezing cold, and of course to Import Monster for sponsoring. Dan: Thanks for the water and dfloor rescuing, although I still think that Parmi wasn't right! Mr. and Mrs. Pryor: Was good chatting with you guys, I'll definitely drag Lauren down to the next one (even if only to prove she exists). She also wants to thank you for finally convincing me to go on a holiday, Thai water fights sound good. Campbell: Thanks for all the shots. I think. Tim: You're shit. Thanks to everyone else for the laughs, advice, photos, videos etc. Probably my last run at DECA in the Supra, will probably volunteer for the rest of the year then hopefully buy an R32 or 180 early next year. Oh and congrats Ryan! Between watching you, Leon and Roman you three all put up an excellent show of why one should buy a 180. Russell you need to get back out there and wave the R32 flag.
  8. Massive thanks to all involved! Will expand on this tomorrow when I can get on a PC and off my iPhone. As for the results, whoever said Supras were at home in the water weren't wrong! I think i just need more balls when it comes to the wangs, they let my score down terriably.
  9. I still haven't got my KV. Game shits me with its lag, my lack of skill and the fact I'm constantly bottom on the list surrounded by big fk off tanks.
  10. Say the car in front of you stalled. It was green when you entered.
  11. Will certainly be interesting in the wet!
  12. Hey Bec, Sorry for the last minute change but Jett's friend Chris Taylor is now coming. He'll need a room for both nights. He can either bunk with us (if there's a 3 person room, or even a portable bed we can chuck in ours), or get a room on his own. Which ever is easiest. Thanks.
  13. KezR33

    Hoon Laws

    I understand what you're saying, but you haven't met this kid. The only thing he learned from that course was that it did not challenge his car's limits and therefore he can go faster on the road. I'm sure he'll find those limits with or without the course (I've seen him spin out once, and heard many stories from co-workers), as will all drivers with his attitude. I'll agree it won't have made him a worse driver, but pep talk about driver attitude and some handling/braking runs is not enough to scare some of these kids. He'll likely only slow down after a serious accident or police scare, hopefully the latter.
  14. KezR33

    Hoon Laws

    I'm well aware of what a defensive driving course is. I've had a friend's Mum speak to me in private because her son apparently passed the course with flying colours and he was bragging about he never lost control even though everyone else did. He was already a pretty reckless driver and she knew it hence why she paid for him to do the course. The course may have not made him a more dangerous driver, but it certainly didn't make him a safer one either.
  15. KezR33

    Hoon Laws

    Problem with defensive driving courses is that for some drivers it just makes them more sure of their driving ability and only makes their driving in the street more dangerous.
  16. I agree. I've never liked Aston's. For the same type of car I'd take a Maserati anyday.
  17. KezR33

    Hoon Laws

    Sad part is when this does happen they'll only further increase the penalties and restrict what's legal.
  18. KezR33

    Hoon Laws

    Been tossing up lately whether or not to sell the Supra and buy a daily + track dedicated car. This is just another reason not to drive a nice car. Someone really does need to do something. If someone organised a decent protest of some sort I'd certainly show up and support it (so long as it wasn't riot). Just need a well-spoken, clean and confident leader to stand up and say something.
  19. http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?R=10619931&YearFromShort=1643&__Qpb=1&Cr=1&__Ns=pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&keywords=&MileageTo=751&__N=1216%201246%201247%201252%204294963846%204294963593%20903%20751%201282%201643%201519&SearchAction=N&silo=1011&seot=1&tsrc=allcarhome&__Nne=15&trecs=9&__sid=1236D6D1C3DF Car sales ad with pictures up!
  20. Its up and down. Just keep trying to connect. You want to connect, be in chat, and see other people online in that top right box which displays how many people are on. If you get that you should be able to join games, if not just keep trying. Sometimes it'll take 10 logins before you're okay.
  21. I know heaps of people who drive around unlicensed. In fact, of everyone I know I think I'm the only one who didn't drive once during my suspension. I have one mate who has lost his three times and just kept driving like it didn't matter.
  22. Problem I have with waving at Skylines (mainly P plate ones) if they tend to think that because you've acknowledged them its an indication you want to race. I'll wave at on coming ones if its a single lane road, but I try to ignore the ones that come up beside me.
  23. If you get a wave it's kinda rude not to wave back imo. If they're really young and overly excited by the car (kids love my bright yellow, kitted Supra) I might give it a quick rev or something for them, nothing major. Always funny when you see little kids tugging at their dad's arm "Dad, look at that car!" only to have them turn and glare at you like a P plater in a "sports" car is putting their kids in danger.
  24. Poison the tree, and any other tree with cameras in them. The public will blame the cameras for it and demand them removed.
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