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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. OP is a cop?
  2. Cheers mate, I may take that offer. What will I need to this? Enough paint to cover the whole car? I'm guessing we won't need primer or anything.
  3. We should head back there again. Just ring them up and tell them we were unhappy with the service last time and that if they want us to continue going back there they need to hire enough staff to accommodate us, and to put a priority on fishbowls.
  4. Brand new never used Bee*R Rev limiter - $200 + postage. Located on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria.
  5. I like the green idea. Its nice, unique and subtle. I guess I'll go to scrapper and find a nice flat panel, maybe a damage hood, and practice on that.
  6. tbh, if everyone thinks the rough surface idea is rubbish I'll probably just try for a clean gloss respray with lots of prep work. Unsure what colour I'd go though. What's an easy colour to apply?
  7. To be honest I don't know much about painting. Except from fooling around when painting my kid I know if you don't sand the primer smooth you get a matte like effect. I also saw and felt a matte black sil80 on the weekend which had the rough surface, black paint and came out with a really nice matte appearance. I figured if I sanded the primer to a semi-smooth surface and put a glossy paint on it it would give it some reflection and make it more satin like.
  8. Just quickly, this is what I was thinking of doing but I may be getting it all wrong. Sand the car down. Tape it off. Spray primer. Sand primer, but still use a relatively high grit (I want the surface to be some what rough, not silky smooth). Spray a glossy black (or should I use a flat black?). Spray with glossy sealant. The goal is to have the rough surface provide the dulling affect and the glossy paint give some reflective sheen. So its more of a satin than matte, hopefully. I was going to practice it on my stock spoiler and see how it came out. This would be the result ideally, but without the blacked out lights or deleted door handles.
  9. Hey guys, For those who don't know me I've got an NA Supra which is in top mechanical condition, but terrible paint condition. It's a custom 4-layer pearl yellow (which was done in Japan I believe) and looks amazing, except for the multitude of scratches, dings and the GOLD coloured bodykit. For the record I bought it this way. Now for a long time I've been considering respraying it myself. Its only an NA Supra, and whilst its mechanically good, its not worth getting a professional respray. My question is, how difficult is a backyard job, and what colour is easiest? I've been recommended against doing yellow as lead based paints are now illegal and yellow is one of the toughest colours to do well. I was thinking possibly matte black? IMO I don't think the colour suits Supras all that well, but its not terrible. The reason being matte requires far less prep work and its less likely to run etc due to the rough surface. Plus being black it won't matter so much if I get some paint on the window trim, etc. Does anyone have a link to some good articles or even a video with advice and lessons on backyard resprays? I have all the equipment as I've resprayed parts of the stupid gold body kit, but never been brave enough to attempt the entire car. Cheers.
  10. Shit talk? I knocked like 5-6 people out of the battles in my 106rwkw Yotaboat!
  11. You're missing the point, again. Volunteers don't have to worry about anything but their job, they'll have someone walk them over to where they stand, tell them what they do and leave it at that. Simple. First time drivers are confused enough about participating let alone assisting as well. I can foresee a lot of drivers dumping their cars in inappropriate places to do their starting, timing etc, or standing in the wrong place and causing all sort of safety hazards. Then you'll have drivers going to the wrong position, relieving the wrong person and causing all sorts of hold ups and confusion.
  12. Regular drivers sure, but I think its unlikely that we can shove first timers into this sort of thing. The confusion alone would cause a lot of delays.
  13. The day would be much simpler if guests helped out. A rotating roster with drivers would just be confusing and slow things down overall imo. I mean you'd have to cut into our time by teaching people how to do each position, they'd make mistakes, there may be safety issues with where people leave cars, not being fully aware of where they're meant to stand etc. Besides I know a few people who flat out refuse to volunteer. They know its more fun to be a passenger and despite my harassment they won't do it. If they said "no volunteers, no passengers" it would force those people to help out or stay out of the cars either way. Its better than the alternative: cancel the event. Plus, like Femno said its FUN being a volunteer, I'd much rather help out than stand around and get a couple of passenger runs on the wangs (boring). Not only that, but if you help out you can approach almost any car in the afternoon and they're almost obligated to give you a spin during the battles.
  14. New rule: No volunteers - no passenger rides!
  15. I reckon I got the lowest reading of the day! 106rwkw! I was pretty embarrassed. Apparently I'm running really, really rich and losing power because of it. Edit: Having said that it was a pretty cool day. Thanks to all the organisers!<
  16. But that would require me to wash my car! I was hoping to get away without washing my car till next Deca.
  17. Don't forget it's daylight savings tonight!
  18. So get on facebook! I hate people who refuse to use facebook, its penetrated our society so throughly that refusing to use it is like refusing to use emails and mobile phones too.
  19. Evo 9 is a phenomenal car. Insanely fast, comfortable, practical and handles great. Unless your V35 is turbocharged I wouldn't even consider it.
  20. No you wouldn't, because if you came that would've made 51 drivers.
  21. Uh guys, where is everyone?
  22. I may or may not be there depending how hung over I am.
  23. Hey now, I distinctly remember knocking a 400+awkw GTR out of the battles with a sub 150rwkw Supra! Unsure who was driving but that at least has to be a mark of shame on the NSW wall.
  24. lol my results were as expected, but at least I beat Jett! Congrats to the winners.
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