Hey guys,
For those who don't know me I've got an NA Supra which is in top mechanical condition, but terrible paint condition. It's a custom 4-layer pearl yellow (which was done in Japan I believe) and looks amazing, except for the multitude of scratches, dings and the GOLD coloured bodykit. For the record I bought it this way.
Now for a long time I've been considering respraying it myself. Its only an NA Supra, and whilst its mechanically good, its not worth getting a professional respray. My question is, how difficult is a backyard job, and what colour is easiest?
I've been recommended against doing yellow as lead based paints are now illegal and yellow is one of the toughest colours to do well. I was thinking possibly matte black? IMO I don't think the colour suits Supras all that well, but its not terrible. The reason being matte requires far less prep work and its less likely to run etc due to the rough surface. Plus being black it won't matter so much if I get some paint on the window trim, etc.
Does anyone have a link to some good articles or even a video with advice and lessons on backyard resprays? I have all the equipment as I've resprayed parts of the stupid gold body kit, but never been brave enough to attempt the entire car.