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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. Gonna have some new toys for this DECA hopefully. LSD should be arriving from the States in the next couple of weeks (hopefully before DECA), and I just purchased a Bee*R Rev limiter, lol. I know its kind of wanky on my car, but it will be fun all the same.
  2. You're more than welcome to come along if you don't mind sitting in the back seat of a Supra!
  3. I think you've misunderstood me. All I was saying is entrants should pay more only IF its all going towards DECA fees. PurpleR32 said that the club absorbed most of the additional costs which I understood as meaning that SAU-Vic was covering some of the cost of everyone's entry fee so that it didn't increase by much.
  4. I could probably rival that "weakest one ever". I don't remember much of my first DECA after we got to Tacos, but apparently everyone remembered me when I turned up for my second.
  5. You're f**ked. From what you've just said. If your licence is suspended, the minimum suspension period depends on how much over the speed limit you were driving: * 25 to less than 35 km/h over the speed limit – one month * 35 to less than 45 km/h over the speed limit – six months * 45 km/h or more over the speed limit – 12 months If you are caught travelling at 45 km/h or more above the speed limit, you will incur the following penalties: * automatic loss of licence for six months * six demerit points * expiation fee. That means you'll lose your license for 12months, THEN an additional 3 (or is it 6?) months for running out of demerit points.
  6. Good. You'll get no pity from me. And for the record, you haven't even begun to suffer yet
  7. Honestly DECA is already so cheap and that popular that you could increase the price by more. People would still pay it. I'm not saying this to make a profit or anything, but if the club needs those funds elsewhere it's something to consider. Hell, I spend 3x what DECA costs going out afterwards and paying for the hotel!
  8. Hey Bec, Looks like just Brad will be coming down with me again, so can we get a room with two separate beds. Cheers.
  9. I spent! Had to order the damn thing from the US, but it was a lot cheaper than I thought ~$1000 USD, plus a $200 installation kit required to make it fit the NA diff housing. Will post my opinion of it after this DECA, can't wait.
  10. lol I know. Sarcasm doesn't translate over the net very well.
  11. As if an RB20 could ever win DECA...
  12. Daniel Robson is listed twice under 20 and 21.
  13. I'll definitely be there Friday and Saturday night, unsure who'll be coming with me though. I'll get back to you ASAP.
  14. Money paid, fax will be in soon.
  15. There's a law against that? I often rev at dickheads who try to go me just I can laugh and watch them launch. Should probably stop.
  16. KezR33

    Blitz Today?

    lol I'm not little, I'm skinny! I suppose that would affect it, but the main reason I spend so little I drink a lot before I go out. Pre-drinks are cheaps. Plus I catch the train in, so I only have to cab it home.
  17. KezR33

    Blitz Today?

    You guys seriously spend $200-$300 on a night going out? Jesus, for me $100 is a big night, and I frequently hit the classier clubs in Melbourne and still manage to get quite drunk.
  18. Why is everyone suggesting he slam on the brakes? Just drop a couple of gears, that way they won't even see the brake lights come on.
  19. KezR33

    Blitz Today?

    What's the appeal in cutting Chap laps and Princes Hwy? I always see posts from "friends" on facebook saying "Prinny tonight!", what exactly do they do there? Drags, street racing, or do they just drive a long beside each other?
  20. You should swap your 5 stud wheels over with some NA 4 stud too. Straight swap, sounds like a good deal.
  21. Yes, major problems which I won't go into detail here.
  22. Too front heavy, they weigh the same as an RB26.
  23. 2JZ into a R32 GTR... Kidding. What about 20B (or 26B) rotary into an Evo? Stupid amounts of power, and probably wouldn't upset the cars balance too much.
  24. Work out how much you'll think it will be then add another 25%. There are always pitfalls, I've got a mate currently trying to put an SR20DE into his 180 and its a nightmare. Looms don't match up, wrong ECU, etc. This is more the fault of the engine importer, but conversions are never as simple as they seem.
  25. Ditto. My advice is buy a RWD manual car with some guts you like, and learn to drive it. Get out to track days, motorkhanas, etc. I'm by no means a skilled driver, but I've easily thumped much, much more powerful cars due to their lack of driving ability. Half of them spent bucket loads on the engine, and knew how to stomp the throttle, but when it came to braking and cornering all that power was actually more of a hinderance than help as they had no idea how to control it.
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