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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. Need some advice guys: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Wh...nt-t323569.html
  2. You'd be in a better state to drive Saturday afternoon than if you stayed and left Sunday morning. I promise.
  3. Hey guys, I left my car with at the mechanics all week as it needed the front left lower control arm replaced. Unsure why, but they decided to leave it till today before working on my car and because they ordered the wrong part they didn't end up finishing the job till about 5.30pm. So now I have a new front lower control arm, bushes but no wheel alignment, and I'm meant to be leaving for DECA tomorrow morning at 4am. The mechanic took it for a test drive and said it wasn't too badly out of alignment, the car will drift very slightly to the right, but nothing severe. He claims I could probably get away with a morning of DECA and then get an alignment over lunch. Once I got home though I took another look (20-25min drive) and noticed the inside of both the front wheels had more of a fresh rubber look (rather than being dusty and dirty like the rest of the tyre, it was clean) and it was significantly warmer than the outside of the tyre. Am I safe to drive 250km tomorrow to Shepparton, and then compete, or should I just call the whole thing off? I'm guessing I shouldn't go, but I was really looking forward to this and I don't particularly want to lose my money. Thanks.
  4. It's funny how different people are when it comes to selling their car. I've always let people drive my car (with me in it, and none of their mates), but then again I've never sold a car that would really appeal to a joy rider. Majority of the Supras I looked at though the owners just handed my mate and I the keys and said have fun. Very brave considering some of the drivers out there.
  5. My problem too. We'd get there at like 2am and not only would we be waking Bec to get the keys but we'd be paying $100 for what... 5 hours sleep? Better to go to bed early at home and get up at 4am, 5 hours sleep either way but cheaper this way too.
  6. Should be there. 4am start is going to be painful.
  7. Won't be at this sorry guys, but I'll see you in the morning.
  8. Not going to be able to make it up tonight, my friend (and his partner) cannot make it due to work stuffing him around, so I'm bring my partner instead. Unfortunately we won't be able to make it tonight so we'll see you guys in the morning. Still staying Saturday night though. I know you're not going to read this Bec, but if anyone else can pass it along it'd be appreciated.
  9. A car is a car, the majority of problems you'll encounter will be universal to all cars and not Skyline specific. Do some research on what to look for in any car, I know there's a good checklist online somewhere that covers almost everything you can inspect without professional equipment. From engine noises, gearbox feel, spotting over spray, new parts and even checks to see if the clock has been wound back (just things like excessive steering wheel wear, etc).
  10. Get a Varex. If the droning bothers you, close it. If you want attention, open it.
  11. Main difference between cheap helmets and expensive ones are mostly in weight and comfort, not safety. Well, that's what the guy who sold my helmet told me.
  12. Yeah I paid, playing as JZA80 still.
  13. Might check this out, and get passenger ride too. Never been drifting before and it would be fun experience. Edit: By check it out, I mean as a spectator. Not going to compete lol
  14. How does that even happen? Dattos have a high center of mass?
  15. Don't forget if slap a turbo on that engine, then wring its neck, you'll probably blow it. That's if you don't blow the gearbox or cook the clutch first. You're talking BIG money just to get this thing reliable before you'll get any significant power out of it.
  16. The only reason heads will turn is because people are laughing at you.
  17. I think all P platers should be forced to do an advanced driving course, or at least traffic offenders should be forced to do them. I mean, not only are they really educational but they're fun too!
  18. I'm dragging two victims up with me Bec. They don't want to volunteer, but on the day if you're still stuck for people I know they'll help out.
  19. Just another idea, what about an Evo 7 GT-A? The GT-A was considered the luxury Evo, and they tested all the upgraded parts on it before putting on the later models (it has the later model tail lights, etc), and also has a much nicer interior. Being an Evo it has awesome leg room in the front and back, and a massive boot. The downside is its automatic, but this is also a bonus too because its really driven down their prices. However, it's still an Evo, and the gearbox was designed to suit the car. For an automatic these things are quick! http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/privat...T-A&trecs=7 I love the champagne colour too.
  20. This has been my experience too. I tested them the first time it heavily rained after fitting them and they pulled up as quick, if not quicker than my original tyres (which still had tread left). Not saying they're awesome wet weather tyres, but they're certainly not terrible. But good news anyway, bom.gov.au is now saying no rain for Saturday.
  21. The Kumhos have more tread, but both are roadworthy. I guess I'll stick with the kumhos as they're my daily tyres and this will be the best way to learn how my car will react on the street in the wet if I get into a slippery situation. Like I said, I'm just going to go nice and easy and take this as a big learning experience rather than a race.
  22. What would be worse? Random average street tyres, or KU36s in the wet, or would I be fine in either if careful? If it's wet I'll just use this as a big learning experience!
  23. OTR motors gets KU36's at awesome prices, give them a call.
  24. Just curious, how much did the TCIIs set you back?
  25. Google Map Pretty much same as last time. Meet up at Wallan BP at 7pm for dinner then leave at around 7.30pm. This should get us into Shepparton just before 9pm.
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