Three junkies threatening to stab you isn't life threatening? They tried grabbed my iPod out of my hand as I walked past them I held for a bit and that's when the threats started. It wasn't until they walked away with it that they realized it was an iPod not my phone (which was in my pocket). This happened in broad daylight outside Frankston's busy train station in front of maybe 50 people, so I doubt they wanted to stick around.
I waited because they told me to on the phone, if I knew it'd take that long I might've run there, but then again they junkies went in that direction too.
They were pretty stupid, I mean, mugging me in daylight, and then just sitting down around the corner with my ipod in their hands. Cops were thrilled though, they knew these guys by name (typical methodine train station junkies) and had been looking for an excuse to bust them.