Alright guys, you've convinced me. I'll track the Supra a bit, see if I enjoy it and learn the basics of racing.
My main concern was the brakes not for improved lap times on anything, but for safety reason.
Where would be a good place to start? There' a Sandown event on the supraforums coming up, but what I've heard about Sandown is its power orientated course (which is why the Supra's probably love it). I don't know what brake fade feels like, I've just heard horror stories. I'd rather learn about brake fade on a course like Winton which doesn't have high speed straights and walls waiting at the end.
Thanks guys.
Just another question while I'm here, has anyone bought a track car with a mate? I assume you go 50/50 on purchase and maintenance, but what happens if one person bins it? Do they repay you or is it just expected it might happen and you cope the loss?