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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. Yeah I've currently got Kumhos on the car. How much did your brake set up cost? I've got 2/1 pot brakes too, and my mechanic is claiming to survive a track like Sandown I need Endless Green and Red pads and slotted rotors. Reckons it'll cost $1700 all up. I've heard A1RM are good bang for you buck, but my mechanics claims they tend to crack when going hot, cold, hot at the track.
  2. Yeah I have considered keeping the Supra. I just feel bad spending 1-2k upgrading the brakes when I could just sell the thing for something better.
  3. I actually really like the sound of an MX5 with some work already done to it, perhaps an MR2 or even just a CA18 Silvia. Like I said, something with a bit of go, but more something I can control and just to learn how to drive.
  4. I think the question is why wouldn't you!?
  5. Hey guys, I'm at a crossroads with my current car situation. I want to sell my NA Supra and buy an S14, simply because I can't justify spending money on an NA Supra that will require ridiculous amounts of money to become a TT model (brakes, gearbox and engine). I would like to get out to some track days (so far I've only done two DECAs), but again I'll need to spend quite a bit of cash just to get my car up to a track standard, mainly improving the brakes. So, as I said I'm trying to decide whether to get an S14 daily, do some basic mods (mostly suspension and some good tyres) and track that occasionally, or ditch the Supra, buy an old R31 daily, a trailer and a dedicated track car. The benefits are obvious, if I bin the track car I can still get to work and Uni in the R31, and it won't be such a financial loss. Plus I can probably get tons more out of it than my daily (S14) just by stripping it. I can also bypass the P plate restriction laws which state I must drive a car under the 125kw per ton. The downside is I will have two cars to maintain, I'll suffer a loss in daily driving comfort and my cheap daily will likely be far less reliable on a day to day basis than my newer, well maintained S14. Is it worth it? My assumption is that dedicated track cars are going to have the guts flogged through them, so whilst they might be unregistered and cheap, they may not last long at all. How much does it cost to maintain a dedicated track car? I'd probably do most of the general maintenance myself, but other there other costs I might be unaware of? Has anyone taken this route on a limited budget? I'm by no means poor, I actually make a lot more than the average student, but I'm not swimming in cash either. Is it actually cheaper to take this path vs. the single occasional track daily? How much do trailers typically cost? They seem to range from $1000 to $2000. Finally, what car would you recommend for a track rookie who is looking for something with moderate power, not overly expensive and an excellent car to learn in. Ideally I'd want to track it and I'd like to give drifting a go too, although I'm unsure how much I'd enjoy it. Thanks for any advice guys.
  6. KezR33

    Dt Panels.

    I've only heard great things about DT. Will be heading in there sometime next week for a quote.
  7. Let us know how you go!
  8. What still gets me is the ridiculous amount of attention "hoons" and "hoon laws" get, whether it be police, public or media. Like that guy saying 4 people died on the weekend due to speeding - which he claims is what they're trying to stop with the hoon laws. Yes, it was a tragedy, but like he said it was SPEEDING. Speeding has been a law long before the word hoon was ever created, and just because you're speeding it does not mean you're "hooning". Same with drink driving. It seems that if a kid kills themselves and/or their mates "hooning" then that automatically becomes the reason for the accident. Not the fact the kid was blowing 0.3 blood alcohol before he got into the car. Now I don't disagree that doing burnouts, illegal drag racing, drifting on the street, etc. should be illegal, but the sheer amount of attention it receives, and the money that goes into stopping it is ridiculous. Defecting modified cars, and crushing cars isn't going to drop the road toll. The police really need to re-focus their attention elsewhere, and start putting time and money into genuine problems.
  9. Nevermind.
  10. Pretty interesting read. I guess I fell for the FnF myth that NOS = a button on the steering wheel, and once you press it you use your entire NOS tank, not something that you can use in controlled doses with the WOT.
  11. I have to say after that day I am very tempted to go buy an R32. Not only did they perform awesomely (I told you on the day Russell that when I was timing your car literally shot out of the gate like it wasn't on a skidpan) but they looked and sounded amazing. Only thing deterring me is their age and my lack of mechanical expertise, still I am tempted.
  12. He broke the law, fine him, whatever. He deserves what he gets for breaking the law. What's shit about Victoria is this obsession with "hoons". Like someone said, front page news for this rubbish is stupid.
  13. Hey guys, Finally getting around to selling my rims because they're quite simply going to waste on my car, that and I'm thinking about selling the Supra for an S14 anyway. Here's a quote taken directly from Import Monster's website: SOLD VGC, there are marks and guttering but structurally perfect. Possibly the ultimate track rim as these are super lightweight, using Advans forged hollow spoke construction. They're also gorgeous to look at and super expensive to buy new(and rare to find second hand)! 18 x 9.5" +12 offset. Arriving mid may http://www.importmonster.com.au/shop/produ...products_id=899 Import monster sold them for $2,850 without rubber. I recently (~2 months) put 245/40/18 Kumho KU36 rubber on the front, and in the last month put 275/35/18 on the rear. I believe they're 9.5 +29 offset on the rear, unsure of the front. I think they're 8.5, no idea of the offset. I'm almost certain they will clear any brakes you throw at them too, as there is a huge amount of room between my stock 2/1 pot NA brakes and the spoke. They weigh 8.3kg each. There's no major damage, just gutter rash around most of them. I've been quoted about $400 to fix them all up and respray them any colour. Anyway, some pictures (excuse the dirt, I will give them a good clean and take photos for a serious buyer - but its raining right now): Front Brake Clearance Gutter rash. This was on the inside of one of the rear rims, I took these when the guards were getting rolled. Don't judge the car! I bought her that way (with a hideous front bar that matched the GOLD skirts). This is part of the reason I'm considering selling up for the S14, she drives great, better than great, but she needs a serious tidy up. $3000 ono. Contact me here, or my mobile: 0422 860 787. Located near Frankston in Victoria. Thanks, Kieran.
  14. Damn, I thought I'd do a lot better than that. Those WD (and spinning out) really kill you! Goes to show thought that you can do quite well without a huge amount of power. I managed better than decent times here and there, just lack the conistency! Guess that comes with driving skill and experience. You're right about being more aggressive though, on my last mini wang run I went all out and managed a good time, and I know I wasn't at the car limits - just mine.
  15. 18k loan for a GTST? Must've been a nice car!
  16. I've actually had a similar incident where my mechanic left my the upper part of my air intake disconnected. I discovered it pretty quickly, and yes I was pissed, but there is nothing you can do. You have no proof, and they're not going to admit it. I just told all my mates never to go to that joint, and never went back.
  17. Honestly, its a K&N filter. They're peanuts. Just tell everyone you know what dodgy bastards they are and never go back to them. I highly doubt anyone is out there making a huge profit off selling stolen (and used) panel filters.
  18. I blame Roman, terrible influence he is
  19. All your runs are so smooth! It doesn't even seem like your pushing the car all that hard, but you still manage awesome times. Wish I got some in car vids of my runs, its just me launching hard, trying not to spin out on the basketball court and bouncing off the limiter. Maybe I should take deep breath and take things more easily.
  20. You too, thanks for all the lessons on the improper use of the handbrake.
  21. My one and only video, simply didn't have time to get the camera out!
  22. Very entertaining. Monstrous cloud of smoke on the basketball court, another cloud of dust appears in the distance, took out a cone, and that was only the 80% run!
  23. Awesome day! Had an absolute blast. Met some cool people, learnt a lot about my car, discovered the handbrake and I actually remember most of what happened after taco bells this time! Big thanks to all the organizers, Micolour and all the volunteers.
  24. Weather looks good people! Partly cloudy, light winds. Max 27.
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