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Everything posted by KezR33

  1. KezR33

    Noise Cameras

    That's the point. Just creates more work for them. I won't though, creates work for me too.
  2. KezR33

    Noise Cameras

    I'll bounce the limiter as I go past the cameras because I know mine is legal at 4000rpm.
  3. If you need an invite send me a PM, I think I've got like 10 on various account.
  4. I've personally played all three quite a bit, just wondering what other people's opinions of which is better and why. Personally, DotA for me is out. It's just too old, it was great while it lasted though. So it comes down to HoN and LoL. I am biased towards HoN because I played it first and have played it for longer. However I have recently started playing LoL too, and have maybe 20-30 games under my belt. I prefer HoN simply because of its pace. LoL feels much slower, and it seems more difficult to kill people. I think this is in part due to the grass, and the fact towers do so much more damage than in HoN. The grass however is pretty damn cool, and something that HoN lacks. The graphics on LoL also annoy me. I know it is a simple game, and compared to modern standards even HoN is severely lacking, but LoL just annoys me. Its so... bland. I prefer LoLs game search function, but hate the overall navigation system. You have to load like three seperate programs just to play a game? It's clutzy and annoying. At first I liked LoLs hero buying system. It was kind of cool to buy a hero, learn it and pwn everyone due to the fact they didn't know what it did, but after a while it got boring. You'd master the hero in a couple of games, and want something else, but you'd require 10-15 games to work up enough points to unlock the next. However the weekly "free heros" was pretty cool, an excellent way for noobies like me to step into the game because I didn't have to learn every hero. Just that week's batch. Like I said though, you learned them very quickly and grew bored. The universal "summoner" powers and abilities were pretty cool. I liked that added uniqueness you could give to your build. I didn't see much point to the runes, they seemed like a minor boost that'd give you only a tiny edge. Another thing I liked about LoL was the ability power boosts. This allowed casters to stay competetive late game, however it also drastically diminished the power of the game's carries. A powerful caster who is strong in the early ranks, and gets off to a good start only became more powerful. I'll keep playing both, and I'm sure they'll both learn from each other and improve, but for now I still prefer HoN.
  5. It wasn't you was it? Seriously though, why did it make your day? Basically any cop that was involved will now pull over Skylines (particularly silver R33 on their L's) on sight.
  6. Was he alone in the car? Should've let him kill himself.
  7. As if you can't afford it, it's DECA! I spent more money going out afterwards than I did at DECA.
  8. Hey guys, Selling my Alpine Type R 12" sub and box. Box is designed by Alpine to maximise volume and sound quality. Reason for selling is it doesn't fit in the Supra boot! Excellent condition, and has never been turned up beyond a moderate volume - it drowned out my car speakers! Looking for $250 ono. I also have random Sony Xplode subs and box my mate left he, he doesn't want them so he's asked me to sell them for him. $100. Finally some random muffler that came off my car before I put the Varex on. It's a Jasma Tanabe, and has a 2.5" inlet. It's in good condition although it could use a wash. $50. I'm on here almost every day, so PM me if interested and I'll send you my mobile. Cheers, Kieran.
  9. Just turn up on the day, surely one person won't make it on the day for one reason or another. The fact you're there gets you straight in. Otherwise you can sit in my car and give me advice!
  10. Nothing defeats mass Hydralisks with defiler protection.
  11. Yeah, I was recommended the same pads and fluid.
  12. Too late! I've getting 275/35/18 KU36s on the rear this Monday. I have my first real track day the weekend after DECA at Sandown with Driver Dynamics so I want it all safe and sorted for then. The oversteer really is shocking though, I'm not talking slight, I'm talking massive! I even have to take roundabouts carefully. Need to upgrade the brake pads, fluid and replace the front swaybar before Sandown too. Bloody money pit.
  13. Need your advice guys. My car is currently suffering from massive over steer due to KU36s on the front, and a stiff rear sway bar. My question is, do I fix the problem (put Kumho on the rear and upgrade the front swaybar), or should I just hit the skidpan as I am? I figure the wangs will be painful (and possibly dangerous!) but the skidpan could be a lot of fun, and the Supra will be very easy to flick around hats with the current set up.
  14. It was acrylic, I had to put a yellow layer down then follow it up with a sort of silvery, clear paint that make it sparkle a bit more. I did an even 50/50 ratio of paint to thinner on the yellow paint, and then 3:2 ratio for the thinner:silvery paint and the thinner:top coat. This what the shop recommended, and was written on the paint tins. Edit: Thanks for the link too, I actually found this when I was painting the other day. Very helpful.
  15. Just throwing it out there:
  16. Hey guys, I've always loved the Volk Challenges, and have recently come across and offer to swap my current rims for them. They currently look like this: Now I love them as they are, but I doubt they'll suit my bright yellow Supra. How difficult would it be to paint/powder coat them black so they look like this? Cheers, Kieran.
  17. So cut and polish just slowly removes the paint, correct? Could I cut and polish till its thoroughly smooth then respray it with the finisher again, or just put some wax on it? Excuse my noobishness, I had the gear lying around for so long and didn't use it because I was paranoid of screwing it up. Then a day came along with perfect weather and I figured I'd just give it a crack. If I stuffed it up I'd seek help, turns out its a lot easier than expected! Highly recommend it to anyone considering doing it themselves, I am the least practical, mechanical or "hands on" guy you'll ever meet, yet I found this surprisingly easy and very satisfying!
  18. That's what I did wrong, I didn't sand after the primer. I'll give it a cut and polish and hope for the best. Not really worried about overall quality. I have the equipment now, materials are cheap. Just need the experience! Thanks for the quick reply.
  19. Hey guys, Today I had a crack at re-spraying painting my stock front bar and it came up pretty good with one exception; its really dull! Colour is near perfect match (which is good considering my car is a 4-layer pearl). The reason for the dullness I suspect is because my paint surface is really rough, whereas my car is really smooth. How do I go about correcting this? I've got 1600 grit sand paper which I've used to remove most of the roughness, do I not just cut and polish, or have a missed a step of sanding somewhere along the process? Thanks, Kieran.
  20. I'm more than happy to help between runs! Didn't realize we could.
  21. Sitting here waiting for the final coat of paint on my front bar to dry before I go out and attempt to add the finisher. First time I've ever done anything like this, amateur DIY paint jobs for the win!
  22. Heh, yeah I meant oversteer. Which is what I'm getting now. The rear is adjustable, I had the tyre join fit it when I had the Kumhos put on the front and figured they'd use the softest setting. Guess I'll have to get under there and have a look. Cheers.
  23. I wouldn't buy a 300zx simply because of the added difficultly and cost of repairs a $7k import is likely to need.
  24. This is a myth, digital odos are arguably far easier to hack and re-program than winding back analog ones.
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